The Sentinel

‘Happy birthday to a vibrant cultural hub’

- Dave Proudlove – Associate of Urban Vision North Staffordsh­ire

ON Sunday I once again visited the Coachmaker­s in Hanley, as I had to spend an hour or so waiting for a bus.

As usual, it was great to pop in there for a beer and a chat, but it was also great to enjoy some brilliant artwork. For there, on display in one of our city’s great public houses, was the work of Grant Palmer who makes me smile with his celebratio­n of the Potteries, its industry and quirkiness.

Not that it should’ve come as a surprise. For behind Grant is the force of nature that is Alan and Cheryl Gerrard, owners of Theartbay Gallery. And December 2018 is quite important to Theartbay, as it celebrates its 10th birthday.

Theartbay first opened in 2008 when the world was in economic meltdown thanks to the likes of Goldman Sachs.

It was a time when the idea of anyone opening an art gallery in Fenton would’ve seemed perhaps a little optimistic at best. But Alan and Cheryl had a vision, and they have both stuck with that for the past decade.

And it has not just been about art. Their vision has been to create a vibrant little cultural hub at the heart of the forgotten town of the Potteries.

Ten years on, I think it’s fair to say that they have achieved that. From a standing start, Alan and Cheryl’s achievemen­ts have been huge.

Although the aims of Theartbay have been more than art for art’s sake, they have both still managed to introduce the world to some incredible Potteries artists.

Possibly the most notable of Alan and Cheryl’s introducti­ons was the late, great Sid Kirkham.

Theartbay was great for Sid, and Sid has been great for Theartbay.

Both have dug heavily into Stoke-ontrent and its industrial heritage, with Sid producing romantic and heartfelt works portraying the darkness of the Potteries but with dashes of colour that are important to both the people and the place.

Sid sadly left us earlier this year, but thanks to Alan, Cheryl and Theartbay, he’ll be with us forever.

Another local artist that has seen their profile rise thanks to Theartbay is Steve Shaw, an incredible talent that I am both privileged and proud to say that I have worked with.

Steve is a potter at heart, but at the same time he is much more than that, and Alan and Cheryl have teased some incredible work out of him.

His Art Nouveau influenced paintings – particular­ly those that celebrate our city’s relationsh­ip with Lidice in the Czech Republic – have the ability to move the most hardy, while his ‘Man of Fire’ works are possible the most politicall­y-charged art to have come from the Potteries in many, many years.

As if to prove that Alan and Cheryl are about more than just art, their work to promote the proud links between North Staffordsh­ire and the Czech village of Lidice confirms it.

Sir Barnett Stross and the Lidice Shall Live campaign are one of the high points of Stoke-on-trent’s history, but for some unknown reason, the incredible story became forgotten and unapprecia­ted.

However, Alan and Cheryl have shone a bright light on that relationsh­ip, taking it into our city’s schools, and developing and strengthen­ing links between our city and the Czech Republic.

These are links that will become increasing­ly important in the postbrexit landscape that we will face over the coming months.

One of the most exciting regenerati­on projects during the next year or so will be Peace Garden in Hanley that they are developing alongside Tesco, which will be a great celebratio­n of Sir Barnett Stross, Lidice, and its bond with North Staffordsh­ire.

But possibly their most important work was their role in the campaign to save Fenton Town Hall and the Carnegie Building, where they put their reputation­s on the line to ensure that those two buildings were preserved, and continued to play a vital role in Fenton’s civic life.

Indeed, through their positive interventi­ons, Alan and Cheryl have clearly contribute­d to the changing political landscape in the Stoke-ontrent South constituen­cy which has led to unpreceden­ted investment in the town, investment that was not forthcomin­g under previous regimes.

Alan and Cheryl Gerrard have given a great deal to our city, and happily they still have much more to give.

I’m looking forward to seeing what else they have in mind in the New Year.

Happy 10th birthday to ya!

 ??  ?? ART OF THE CITY: Cheryl and Alan Gerrard have enjoyed 10 years at Theartbay in Fenton.
ART OF THE CITY: Cheryl and Alan Gerrard have enjoyed 10 years at Theartbay in Fenton.
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