The Sentinel



Channel 4, 8.05pm

EVERYONE has an opinion on the right way to bring up kids – friends, family, even nosy neighbours or complete strangers can stick their oar in. But which is the best parenting method?

In this bizarre series, Anita Rani explores different styles by means of a contest to crown the best parents, as voted for by a judgy audience.

Each episode sees three sets of uber confident parents, all with distinct approaches, look after each other’s kids for a day. Then they come together to watch back what happened, make their case and criticise each other.

This time Joana plugs her gender-fluid parenting to five-year-old son Willow, while Robin and Rin promote their Eastern influence approach for their two children, and Kevin and Kerry showcase their hands-off ‘lazy parenting’ style.

Of course it’s ridiculous as no one’s style can really be ‘best’, but this is one of those astounding hands-over-face shows you just can’t switch off.

 ??  ?? Anita Rani discusses genderflui­d parenting with Joana
Anita Rani discusses genderflui­d parenting with Joana

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