The Sentinel

Menopause put me in a dark and lonely place

Former Britpop queen Meg Mathews tells LISA SALMON about her mission to improve menopause awareness


SHE was once a Britpop queen, but now Meg Mathews has a new passion, poles apart from her old party lifestyle – the menopause. She’s fired up about helping other women avoid the problems she endured going through menopause, which she says was “a dark and lonely place”. Meg, who was married to Oasis’ Noel Gallagher in the Nineties (they have a 20-year-old daughter, Anais) and was once a music industry PR, now runs Megsmenopa­ and has written a book on the topic, called The New Hot: Taking On The Menopause With Attitude And Style. “I never thought I’d be doing this at 54, but I love it,” she declares. “I enjoy every minute – I feel it’s the first time I’ve had a purpose in life and it feels amazing.”

This radical shift from Britpop party girl to fervent menopause campaigner was sparked by her shock at what the menopause did to her, she explains, and the fact there was so little informatio­n available about this huge life change and how to handle it. “When it happened to me, I was about 48 or 49, not feeling myself. I didn’t really know what was going on, and I just thought: ‘Is this life? This can’t be natural, are other people going through this?’ And yes, they were – millions of them,” she says. She describes constantly feeling tearful, exhausted and like she was “trailing through treacle”.

Her GP prescribed antidepres­sants, which she took for two years, but they didn’t help. It was only when she went to an AA meeting (she’s a recovering alcoholic) and revealed she was exhausted, wasn’t sleeping, had lost her libido, had aching joints and felt overwhelme­d and anxious, that a woman there suggested she was menopausal. “I thought, ‘Cheeky cow!”’ She was right, though. Armed with this knowledge, Meg returned to the doctor and the menopause diagnosis was confirmed. She points out there are 34 common menopause symptoms “and I was rocking 30 of them”.


“I NEVER had a hot flush, my symptoms were all connected to mental health,” Meg explains. “Nobody ever warned me that mental health was part of the menopause. I was overwhelme­d by life, with terrible anxiety, not leaving the house for three months because I couldn’t cope.

“We now know that oestrogen works that part of the brain and anxiety is a huge part of the menopause, but nobody had ever told me that.

“Everything was hard work, all the things I’d always loved – like the thought of going on holiday and having to pack. And I know it isn’t just me that’s felt like that.”

After setting up her website she was soon getting 100,000 hits a month, suggesting that lots of mid-life women were desperate to learn more about what’s happening to their bodies and minds.


MENOPAUSE isn’t just about managing difficult symptoms, either. This phase of life can also be associated with other health issues – for example, the risk of heart disease can increase for women post-menopause. Osteoporos­is can be another concern.

Meg was diagnosed with weakened bones at 49 – and having seen her mother affected by the condition, and bedridden with it for the last few years of her life, she admits it “scared the living daylights” out of her.

There are many things which can help though, including lifestyle changes and, when suitable, HRT. “It’s all about prevention,” says Meg.

“I just thought I’m going to make this my mission. It baffles me that thousands and thousands of women do not have a clue, and they should have.”

Meg says she spent thousands of pounds on alternativ­e therapies – including tapping and reflexolog­y – in a bid to alleviate her distressin­g symptoms. While these may play a role and many people do find complement­ary therapies beneficial, Meg says returning to her GP and being prescribed a body identical oestradiol gel, an HRT with the same molecular structure as a woman’s hormones, was key for her.

“It saved my life, I was in such a dark place,” she says. “You just rub it on your inner thigh or arm. Within four or five nights, my night sweats had stopped and the anxiety went – not altogether, but it was so much better.”


WHILE Meg firmly believes HRT has vastly improved her quality of life, she also champions following a healthy diet (she’s a teetotal vegan, and has been vegetarian since age nine).

“It might sound a bit odd that someone who used to live on cigarettes, rum and recreation­al drugs is now almost fanatical about nutrition,” she writes in the book, which also contains advice on what types of foods and nutrients can help during menopause – including omega-3 fats from oily fish and nuts, which may help reduce hot flushes and night sweats, and protein, which can help increase muscle mass lost during this life stage, impacting metabolism and weight.

“I’ve realised now that what you put into your body can make a huge difference to how you feel,” she adds.

As for exercise, she admits she’s always found excuses to avoid it, particular­ly in the middle of her menopause when she felt very lethargic. However, although she’s always been slim, Meg says she put on two stone during menopause and realised her exercise apathy needed addressing.

Now, as well as walking her dog, she does online workout classes and 10 minutes of yoga every morning. She also did ‘Couch to 5k’ – and admits she was “very impressed” with

It might sound a bit odd that someone who used to live on cigarettes, rum and recreation­al drugs is now almost fanatical about nutrition

herself when she managed to run the full distance.

“Do whatever it is you enjoy,” Meg advises. “I’m not a big lover of exercise, I do it because I’m vain and I like to eat. I’m not one of these people gagging to exercise in the morning.”

As for whether she’d like to go back to those hedonistic party days?

“Absolutely not! I have no regrets and had an absolute blast (at least the bits I remember!). However, I am now so much happier and more

self-accepting, and menopause was my kicker to reassess everything,” Meg says.

“I get messages from hundreds of women every day and I feel I have one purpose in my life now, and that’s being a service to women, so that no woman should suffer like I suffered.”

The New Hot: Taking On The Menopause With Attitude And Style by Meg Mathews is published by Vermilion, £16.99

 ??  ?? Happier and healthier, Meg Mathews is bringing her menopause survival message to other women through her book
Happier and healthier, Meg Mathews is bringing her menopause survival message to other women through her book
 ??  ?? Meg with then husband Noel Gallagher at a reception held by Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street
Meg with then husband Noel Gallagher at a reception held by Prime Minister Tony Blair at 10 Downing Street
 ??  ?? Meg with Patsy Kensit and Liz Hurley at a Versace fashion show in Milan
Meg with Patsy Kensit and Liz Hurley at a Versace fashion show in Milan

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