The Sentinel

‘We have biscuits in the house but I don’t think about them like I used to’

Taking a notebook to Slimming World sessions, along with the mental strength to get through the lockdown unscathed, has proved key to Angela’s weight loss journey, as she explains to RACHEL LAWTON


RETIRED teacher has an ‘amazing’ new outlook on life after losing almost three stone in weight.

Angela Cliffe had unsuccessf­ully tried Slimming World several times before, but when she found Noreen’s group in Newchapel, something just clicked.

The 61-year-old says she ‘threw herself’ into the plan – and achieved her target weight in November 2017.

She has been maintainin­g it ever since after losing 2st 12lbs and dropping from 12st 5lbs to 9st 7lbs.

For Angela, sticking to the plan whilst trying new things is key – and her top tip? Taking a notepad to group sessions.

Angela said: “In 2016 I knew that I had to do something about my weight. Heart problems and diabetes run in my family and I knew that I was heading that way if I didn’t do something.

“Whenever I had tried the plan in the past, I’d not stayed to group, and that was the big problem.

“Group is such a non-judgementa­l space and everyone there is rooting for everyone else and wants to see their fellow members do well. The support you get is brilliant.”

When lockdown was announced in March, Angela’s Slimming World journey could have gone one of two ways. Either she fully embraced the plan whilst staying at home, or allowed herself to undo years of hard work.

Angela continued: “I made a conscious decision at the start of lockdown to stick to the plan. I knew that if I didn’t then I would derail, and I didn’t want that.

“The Zoom meetings were amazing for keeping up that sense of routine in going to group and seeing everyone. It kept you grounded, because it would have been so easy to cheat. It also meant that you still had to weigh yourself every week.

“I love the plan and it really does work. I have been maintainin­g now since 2017 and it’s part of my life.

“I am eating normal, healthy y food and trying new things all l of the time. At the moment I’m trying lots of different fish such ch as sea bass and mackerel, which ich I wouldn’t have gone for if I didn’t follow the plan.”

Angela’s hard work paid off and she is now reaping the benefits of a healthier and happier life.

She added: “I love knowing that I can go into a shop and come out with something nice e

– my husband says I can never r just walk past a clothes shop anymore.

“The health benefits are the best part though. I used to have a lot of back pain and I don’t anymore. My cholestero­l ol has also gone way down and I no longer feel so sluggish.

“My next goal is to take on more exercise. I did a bit of walking towards the start of lockdown, but I managed to lose all of the weight without doing much at all.

“My biggest tip for anyone about to start their journey is that you have to stay to group. You get so many tips and tricks from other members, so I would recommend taking a notebook. I do this a lot and it means I can jot things down that I find interestin­g and useful.

“I think the biggest change is that now I feel in control. I can have biscuits and chocolate in the house for my husband and not think about them like I would before. That’s amazing. amazing.”

 ??  ?? Angela Cliffe after losing almost three stone, and inset, before joining Slimming World.
Angela Cliffe after losing almost three stone, and inset, before joining Slimming World.

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