The Sentinel


- Kathie Mcinnes – Education reporter

HOW will history judge the Government’s response to the pandemic? Discuss.

bet students the length and breadth of England would love to answer that exam question. That’s if they actually get to sit their exam papers.

There is growing disquiet about what’s going to happen to next summer’s GCSES and A-levels if coronaviru­s continues to disrupt education.

The plans are so top secret that not even school standards minister Nick Gibb appears to know what’s going on. He met with education unions the other day and remained schtum.

All they were told was there’s a plan A which involves everyone sitting all their normal exams. But word is the exams season, which usually starts in May, could be pushed back by three weeks to give students more time to catch up.

Talk about fiddling while Rome burns. The current Year 11 and Year 13 students will need more than three weeks to make up for all the teaching time they have lost.

And it’s not just what happened during lockdown. This term, a worrying number of Year 11 pupils have been sent home to selfisolat­e following coronaviru­s cases. We’re seeing entire GCSE year groups switching to remote learning in some schools.

It won’t be a level playing field as the pandemic has affected different students in different ways.

So should we be getting them to sit exams at all? Or should we revert to the centre-assessed grading model used in summer 2020 (the one adopted after the algorithm debacle)?

In Scotland, education minister John Swinney has just announced the cancellati­on of the National 5 exams, which are equivalent to GCSES. These pupils will instead be given grades based on teacher assessment­s and coursework.

My gut feeling is exams are still the best option if we can make them workable. Under normal circumstan­ces, they are a pretty robust way of judging a young person’s abilities.

But it’s still a big if. Some students won’t even have been able to study all the topics on the syllabus, let alone be confident of answering questions on them.

That’s why campaigner­s have set up an online petition, calling for the content of next summer’s GCSE and A-level papers to be slimmed down. It has already attracted 147,000 signatures – including more than 1,800 from residents across our patch. Now a debate on the issue will take place in Parliament this afternoon.

So is the Government actually clueless or is just keeping its cards close to its chest?

According to a recent story in The Sunday Times, both a plan B and a plan C are being looked at by ministers and exams regulator Ofqual.

The first alternativ­e would reportedly involve students who have missed some of their exams. They would be allowed to sit a single exam paper later in 2021 to make up for it. That’s presumably after everyone else has got their final grades. Plan C would kick in if exams can’t be staged at all. That would mean basing results on teacher assessment­s.

Many schools are already looking at having externally­invigilate­d mocks in case the marks end up being used as students’ final grades.

Teaching unions have also jointly drawn up a five-point plan that they’ve submitted to the Government.

It includes prioritisi­ng students in exam years for Covid-19 testing, having more optional questions on exam papers, and having staged assessment­s to help determine grades if exams do have to be scrapped. Lastly, the unions want a bit more leeway with grade boundaries so students aren’t unfairly judged against previous years’ results.

All sensible ideas. Ultimately, we need to prevent a repeat of the 2020 fiasco. The only way to do that is to have a properly worked out plan B.

And while we’re at it, let’s scrap school league tables for the 2021 exams too.

They won’t reflect young people’s true achievemen­ts against adversity in these unpreceden­ted times.

Teenagers really are living through history.

So should we be getting them to sit exams at all? Or should we revert to the centre-assessed grading model used in summer 2020 (the one adopted after the algorithm debacle)?

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