The Sentinel


Pavement licences also under scrutiny

- Kerry Ashdown

A TOWN’S high street could remain closed to vehicles on weekdays for longer in a bid to improve safety for pedestrian­s – and boost business.

Currently vehicles are able to drive down Stone’s High Street after 4pm.

But town council members have been concerned for several years that this poses a safety risk.

Stone Town Council has now asked Staffordsh­ire County Council to consider increasing the hours High Street is closed to vehicles as part of a number of proposals to help attract visitors back to the area.

It is hoped the move will also help pedestrian­s use the high street more safely if more businesses place tables and chairs outside for customers.

Councillor Jill Hood said: “I’m concerned about the safety of residents and visitors to the High Street under the wrong impression it is pedestrian­ised at all times.

“You get cars whizzing down trying to beat the traffic on Christchur­ch Way, thinking if they come down here they’ll get through more quickly.

“It is extremely dangerous and the time we have got in the High Street at the moment, 4pm, is when we have all the Alleyne’s children walking down, Christ Church Middle School and some of the little children from Christ Church First School coming down.

“They haven’t got a care in the world, they are so busy talking to each other but the reality is we could have a serious accident.

“I’m sure the businesses will understand that aspect of us asking for this and - when we have decided on the time through consultati­on with the traders - arrange their loading and business with HGVS going down and be quite happy with it.”

Councillor Rob Kenney said: “The other considerat­ion we have is with applicatio­ns for pavement licences.

“It is quite obvious that with those that have licences, there isn’t a pavement any more at times. The schoolchil­dren that come down at 4pm have to walk on the road.”

Stone Town Council also asked Stafford Borough Council to consider suspending the £100 fee for pavement licences for the rest of the year.

But licensing manager Julie Wallace said this was not possible. She added: “If this was granted then it would have a knock on effect as Stafford and Eccleshall would expect the same.”

Town councillor Jonathan Powell said he was disappoint­ed. He added: “I don’t see a problem with it at all – we’re not asking them to wipe it and get rid of the fee.

“I think the idea was to have it in the short term – leading up to Christmas. It’s short sighted in my view.”

Councillor Hood said: “I think the fact they are being charged £100 for this pavement licence almost protects our High Street.

“If we didn’t charge we would have every man and his dog bringing their chairs outside their premises, and then we would have chaos.”

 ??  ?? SAFETY CONCERNS: Councillor­s fear Stone High Street can be dangerous after 4pm.
SAFETY CONCERNS: Councillor­s fear Stone High Street can be dangerous after 4pm.

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