The Sentinel


She ‘made a nuisance of herself’ at RSUH

- Sentinel Reporter

‘VILE-TEMPERED’ Laura Steventon broke a police officer’s finger after recklessly kicking out during her arrest.

The 30-year-old was detained for being a nuisance at the Royal Stoke University Hospital. But she lashed out as officers tried to pull her from the back seat of the police car and caused a displaced fracture to his finger.

She went on to dig her nails into another officer’s wrist causing the skin to break. Now she has been jailed for six months at Stoke-on-trent Crown Court.

Prosecutor Caroline Harris said Steventon ‘made a nuisance of herself’ when being discharged from the Royal Stoke University Hospital on August 29.

Miss Harris said: “She became abusive to staff and her conduct caused general concern. The police were contacted and police arrested the defendant at 10am. On the way to the police station she tried to bang her head against the car window.

“She was in a highly distressed and agitated state. When the car pulled up she lay on the back seat. An officer tried to pull her from the seat. She kicked out towards the officer, not with great force. An injury was caused to the officer’s finger.

“It is not suggested she deliberate­ly meant to cause that injury but it was her being reckless that caused the injury, a displaced fracture.”

Steventon was taken into custody. Miss Harris added: “She dropped herself to the floor and dug her nails into an officer.”

Steventon, of Orchard Street, Stafford, pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm and assaulting an emergency worker.

Jason Holt, mitigating, said his client has been in custody for six-and-a-half months.

Judge Paul Glenn told Steventon: “You kicked out at an officer and injured his finger. You caught him hard enough to displace his finger and cause a fracture.

“You continued to behave disgracefu­lly, screaming, shouting and self-harming, trying to smash your head on the cell floor.

“When a second officer tried to restrain you you dug your nails into his wrist, breaking the skin and causing pain and discomfort.

“I think the time you have spent in custody is more than these offences would otherwise merit.

“You have to learn that people doing their jobs, emergency workers, will be protected by the courts and if you carry on acting in this way you can expect to receive longer and longer prison sentences.

“You have a vile temper and when you do not get your own way you lose your temper and can’t think of anyone other than yourself.”

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