The Sentinel

‘If your dog is like family, then don’t tie them outside shops’

Dog owners have been warned not to leave their beloved pooches outside shops as thefts have rocketed during lockdown – with Staffordsh­ire Bull Terriers a prime target


DOG owners are being warned not to leave their pets outside shops after a surge in thefts during the pandemic.

Soaring demand for a lockdown puppy to stave off boredom while working from home has seen the price of some breeds double.

And criminals have been trying to cash in by stealing dogs to breed or sell on.

A pug can now expect to go for around £1,000, while a dachshund will fetch £1,800 and a French bulldog £2,000.

However, according to a survey from insurer Direct Line, Staffordsh­ire Bull Terriers are the most popular breed targeted by dog-napping gangs.

Chihuahuas and cocker spaniels are also among the most soughtafte­r breeds.

Now the RSPCA is offering tips on how to cut the risk of a dog being stolen.

It comes after two Labradors – Welly and Denzel – were taken from outside M&S in Nantwich before being recovered two days later at an address in Stoke-on-trent.

Sentinel readers welcomed Welly’s and Denzel’s safe return home but questioned why they were left outside a shop in the first place.

Jill Vaughan said: “Let this be a lesson to all dog owners – please don’t leave your dogs outside unattended. They have been lucky this time. Well done to the police for finding the dogs.”

Donna Jones added: “I hope the owners now share their story and the importance of not leaving your dogs tied up outside a shop.

“It was a good outcome for these two pups but could be so very different for another.”

And Lee Jones said: “I’m glad they’ve got them back. But if you have enough love for a dog to say it’s like family, then don’t tie them up outside shops.

“I hope this stops more people doing this.”

Chief Inspector Mark Thorley, commander of Moorlands Neighbourh­ood Policing Team, urged people to take precaution­s – but insisted the perception of dog thefts in Staffordsh­ire was worse than the reailty.

He said: “The issue of dog thefts is something that is highly emotive and I can fully appreciate why.

“I am aware of the concerns over this offence, and in response, asked for some research to be carried out to understand the picture in Staffordsh­ire.

“That initial research appears to show what I believed, that cases are low in the county and incidents look to have fallen over the last year.

“We will continue to monitor these statistics in order to build up a final picture.

“It is right that owners are vigilant and take the necessary steps to guard against dog thefts. We are aware of the figures from across the country and our officers respond to reported incidents in Staffordsh­ire.

“I want to reassure them that such thefts do not appear to be as prevalent locally as nationally.

“Our officers are active in their communitie­s to provide visibility and support.”

Campaigner­s want to change the law so pet theft is classed as a separate offence to account for the emotional impact on the owner.

Currently, in the eyes of the law, animals are viewed as inanimate objects and pet theft is not a specific offence.

In a bid to change this, people are urged to sign an online petition at petitions/300071.

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