The Sentinel


Uneven pavement is danger to passers by

- Fahad Tariq

AN OAP is calling for council action over a giant tree that’s been outside his home for 18 years - because it is cracking his walls.

Colin Taft says the tree roots are also damaging the foundation­s of his property and lifting the pavement outside his home on Hanley Road in Sneyd Green.

And he fears mobility scooter riders will end up in his hedge because the pavement is so uneven.

Colin lives in the property with wife Karen and son Wesley.

The 65-year-old said: “Whenever there is a mobility scooter going past they practicall­y end up in the hedge. We have told the council about the damage and the pavement and they have said it’s a healthy tree.

“They sent two workmen to tarmac over the pavement. One of them took one look at it and said ‘I’m not touching that. If I touch that and somebody has an accident we are liable’.

“We are in a no-win situation. It’s damaging our property. The council has said it is not going to do anything.

“It’s as tall as the house, if not taller, and it’s dangerous outside. I’m scared somebody is going to come through the hedge and then we are liable for any injuries.

“The front yard is dangerous. I’m unsteady on my feet at the best of times, I’ve got a dodgy knee. It’s very rare I go in the front yard because of how it’s lifting the blocked paving.

“I am very disappoint­ed in the council because it’s a health hazard to anybody that goes over it.

“I watched a couple in mobility scooters the other day and they came flying up the road until they got to our gate and they crept past the tree. I want the roots sorting out.”

Stoke-on-trent City Council says the tree was found to be ‘healthy’ when it was inspected last year. The council is revisiting the site.

Councillor Carl Edwards, cabinet member for housing and the environmen­t, said: “We have thousands of trees in the city, and our residents are passionate about them as they are part of our ecology.

“We advised the resident directly of our findings at that point in time, but we will visit the site again and review the position.”

 ??  ?? HAZARD: Colin Taft fears that mobility scooter riders may go through his hedge.
HAZARD: Colin Taft fears that mobility scooter riders may go through his hedge.
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