The Sentinel

‘I’ve got food optimising down to an absolute T!’



ARETIREE from Silverdale has shared her tips after losing six and a half stone – and maintainin­g her new weight for five years! Grandma-of-three Jean Bithel had struggled with various yo-yo diets and fell victim to restrictiv­e eating habits over the years.

It wasn’t until she joined her local Slimming World group six years ago that she found a more sustainabl­e way of eating that worked for her.

The 60-year-old hit her target in just 16 months and lost 6st 7lbs, taking her from 17st 13lbs to 11st 6lbs.

In the first national Covid-19 lockdown, Jean put on 1st 8lbs, but her commitment to the plan and hard work saw her lose it all and get back to her target.

Now she has been maintainin­g her weight for five years and enjoying the benefits of going from a size 22 to a size 12 to 14.

“I just felt a flump,” said Jean, who said she used to be ‘very restrictiv­e’ with her food before joining Slimming World.

“I always hid in the background and never wanted people to see me. I’d always been big, even as a child, and just felt like I was getting bigger and bigger. I used to be very restrictiv­e with eating. I’d starve myself all day and then of course get the munchies at night.

“I went to the nurse at my local GP surgery, who was talking about my weight and my cholestero­l. I asked if Slimming World might work for me, because I’d heard others trying it, and so she got me on a 12-week course, which they paid for.

“It got me started with it and thankfully it just clicked. When I first started, the biggest shock for me was how much I could eat – I never went to bed hungry.

“Most of the time I’ll have fruit for breakfast. I can get a sweet tooth in the evenings so I like to save my Weetabix or porridge oats and make a cake with them in the evening, which I’ll have with some yoghurt or low fat ice cream.

“If I’m really hungry in the morning, I’ll have a full cooked breakfast, just without toast.

“For evening meals I like experiment­ing. My friend lives down the road and she’s in my bubble because we both live alone. I invited her over for tea the other day and I made a meat and potato pie out of a wrap. It was absolutely delicious – we were both so shocked.

“I’ve got food optimising down to a T now.”

After 16 months of hard work, Jean hit her target and has been maintainin­g for five years. But when Covid-19 hit in 2020 and Slimming World groups stopped due to lockdown, Jean put on 22lbs.

“A lot of people said they couldn’t see the point of the sessions because they weren’t the same, but for me, it was the only way to go back on track.

“Because of the Zoom sessions I was able to lose the weight that I had put on because I was being held accountabl­e again. I had someone to answer to each week – it really encouraged me and kept me on track.

“I think I’d have put a few more stone back on over lockdown if I hadn’t had those sessions.”

Despite her dedication, Jean still allows herself regular treats, including the odd takeaway and a sweet treat in the evenings.

“Having syns really helps because it means we can still have a bit of whatever we fancy. I can be a savoury person a lot of the time, but at night I do get a bit of a sweet tooth.

“I’ll always try to head to the fruit bowl first, but if I’m really craving something then I like having the Slimming World hifi bars. I also really enjoy the mini Viennetta ice cream lollies too, which I tend to have with jelly.

“My friend and I will have a takeaway night with a gin every couple of weeks or so. We always get back on it the next day and it just means we can let our hair down and enjoy a treat.”

Over the years, Jean has won multiple group awards, including Miss Slinky, Slimmer of the Week and Greatest Loser of the Year, which she says have been a great way to stay motivated.

“When I became a target member, it meant that I didn’t have to pay for meetings.

“So instead I put £5 away each week and used it to treat myself for keeping within my target weight.

“When I put on the weight in the first lockdown, I did a similar thing.

My friend got me a beautiful figure of a lady, where you could put money into her. I put a pound in for every pound of weight I lost, and I had 22lbs to lose.

“So when I’d reached that goal, I had a bit of money to treat myself with. That was a good way to stay motivated.”

Now Jean is looking forward to a belated 60th birthday celebratio­n with her loved ones when it is safe to do so.

“I used to be a size 22 and now I’m a size 12 to 14. I’ve got confidence now that I didn’t have before.

“It can be hard to get your head around at first, and I never thought I’d be able to achieve my goals, but I did.

“Everyone goes at their own pace and everyone has a different experience, but you’ve got to just stick to it and believe in yourself. If you have a bad day, then don’t worry, just try again the next day.”

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Jean used to be a size 22, now she’s a 12 to 14. She’s now got confidence that she didn’t have before.
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