The Sentinel


Motorist, 33, stopped in middle of roundabout for 30 seconds

- Sentinel Reporter

MOTORIST Ashu Sharma has been banned from driving for three years after he failed to give a sample of breath.

The 33-year-old, who has a previous conviction for drinkdrivi­ng, had been drinking when he was stopped by police in Bentilee. He had to be helped out of his car and was unsteady on his feet.

He failed to give a sample of breath at the roadside and in custody.

Now, Sharma, pictured above, has been handed a 12-month community order at North Staffordsh­ire Justice Centre.

Prosecutor Simon Dykes said police attended an unrelated incident in Bentilee on October 16 and police noted a car stop in the middle of a roundabout for 30 seconds before driving on. Mr Dykes said: “Police became suspicious and illuminate­d their blue lights. They followed the vehicle. It drove in an erratic manner and hit a kerb. It came to a dead end and stopped. “Officers spoke to the defendant. They noticed a strong smell of liquor. It was clear from the body movement the driver was extremely intoxicate­d. His speech was slow and slurred.

“He was asked to get out of the car but had to be physically supported. He was very unsteady on his feet.

“He was asked to give a sample of breath at the roadside. He blew around the tube instead of into the tube and he sucked the tube.

“He did not provide a sample at the roadside and was taken to custody.”

Sharma, of Werrington Road, Bucknall, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen of breath for analysis.

A probation officer who interviewe­d Sharma said he dropped his mobile and stopped to pick it up. He continued to drive, noticed the police sirens and decided to continue until he found a safe place to stop.

He accepts he should not have driven. He has expressed remorse and accepts he could have killed someone.

As part of the order, Sharma must complete a rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t for 20 days, 80 hours unpaid work and a 120 day alcohol monitoring requiremen­t.

He was ordered to pay £135 costs and a £95 surcharge.

His ban will be reduced by 36 weeks if he completes a drinkdrive­rs’ rehabilita­tion course.

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