The Sentinel

‘Our pied piper PM must take blame’


I HAVE some news, there will be no second coming – of Donald Trump. Like all populist leaders, he killed his own chances of further success by his inability to stop telling lies.

Many in America see Boris Johnson as the UK’S version of Trump.

I’m sure those who voted for Brexit would probably

vote for Trump if they had been American.

There’s no doubt Johnson was the pied piper when it came to Brexit, so if trouble breaks out in Northern Ireland, and if Scotland votes for independen­ce, if there is a huge shortage of care workers, drivers and all the other industries that depended on the tax-paying workforce of our European cousins, then Johnson must take the blame.

If we feel trapped in our own country, for freedom of movement was a huge benefit for any Brits who wanted to explore the more sun-kissed European countries, then Boris is to blame.

If we are poorer, if chocolate bars are smaller, if our fishermen can’t sell their fish to the EU market before it is too late – yes, you’ve guessed it, our current Prime Minister is to blame.

Now this government is threatenin­g to stir even deeper anxiety between us and our continenta­l neighbours by breaking internatio­nal law, squelching on the Brexit deal which was all their idea.

Where are these amazing

new trade deals? Lord Michael Heseltine, ‘the best Prime Minister we never had’, speaking on Channel 4 News, said that the current complaints of Johnson-led corruption will hurt this government, but the three huge dilemmas that could feasibly shorten Johnson’s reign includes this disastrous Brexit.

It is clear Johnson used Brexit to grab power, but I think he will live to regret it. Although I thought Boris hosted well in the Glasgow Cop26.

He is a pied piper that has led the UK to the brink – let’s hope he can redeem himself by using his charm to help save the world from the brink.


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