The Sentinel


Mum jailed after using false documents

- Sentinel Reporter

BENEFIT cheat Kiranpreet Sidhu has been jailed after duping the state out of more than £22,000.

The 30-year-old was in the UK illegally when she obtained a false Portuguese identity document and passport – and used them to obtain £22,897.54 in benefits.

She also used a fraudulent passport to allow her husband to enter the country illegally.

Now Sidhu has been jailed for 20 months at Stoke-on-trent Crown Court.

Indian national Sidhu had entered the UK on September 3, 2012 on a 12-month student visa. A further student visa was granted until December 26, 2014.

Prosecutor Nick Tatlow said: “At some point she adopted the identity of a Portuguese national and in that name she acquired a Portuguese identity card. That identity card expired in June 2028 so would have been obtained 10 years before then. She applied for, and was allowed, a National Insurance number in that name.

“She also acquired a Portuguese passport in a false name which was issued on June 14, 2018.

“Using these documents the defendant was able to obtain a UK passport and driving licence which were issued on October 24, 2018.”

The defendant married her husband in 2018.

Mr Tatlow added: “The prosecutio­n accepts that the marriage reflected a genuine relationsh­ip. On December 18, 2018 the defendant submitted an online applicatio­n for status as an EU citizen. On the same day her husband submitted an applicatio­n for a permit allowing him to reside in the UK. She attended an interview and her applicatio­n was granted on January 25, 2019. A residence card was granted for him on October 30, 2019.”

The defendant used her false identity documents to obtain £22,897.54 in benefits, including £5,829.12 in maternity allowance, £676.30 child benefits and more than £16,000 in Universal Credit.

Police arrested the defendant at her home in Cliffe Vale at 6.15am on October 6 this year.

Mr Tatlow added: “The documents were all fraudulent from the outset and it persisted over a period of 18 months.

“She has no entitlemen­t to reside in this country. It is anticipate­d that steps will be taken for deportatio­n.”

Sidhu, of Revanth Place, Cliffe Vale, pleaded guilty to fraud, assisting unlawful immigratio­n to a member state and three offences of ‘possessing an identity document with improper intention’.

Sukhdev Garcha, mitigating, said the defendant is a mum who has no previous conviction­s.

He added: “Upon completing her sentence she will be taken into the detention of the immigratio­n services.”

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