The Sentinel

Twas the season to give boys suitcases


I THROUGHLY enjoyed Angela Smith’s recollecti­ons (Personally Speaking, May 5), inset above.

I’m sure I’m not alone in sharing her many observatio­ns. I am considerab­ly older than Angela, but well remember my first car, a 1956 Fiat 1100. It had a column gear change and a bench front seat, but did me well for a few years.

I was just old enough not to receive the ‘apple and orange’ Christmas presents, but toys were a rarity; presents were ‘practical’.

I remember my grandmothe­r giving me a small leather suitcase for Christmas. I was about 10 at the time, not really thrilled!

Much of her reminiscen­ce triggered so many recollecti­ons; a great read. Thanks for the memories Angela.


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