The Sentinel


Police say the property was a magnet for anti-social behaviour and drug dealing

- Jonathan Sutton

POLICE have shut down a troublepla­gued house – which fed-up neighbours say attracted visitors ‘at all times of night’.

The closure order comes as neighbourh­ood officers claim there had been ‘persistent reports’ of anti-social behaviour and drug dealing at the property in Newcastle’s Montgomery Court.

Meanwhile residents of the street say visitors would turn up at during all hours of the day and night, use the bushes as a toilet, along with bang on doors and windows.

Now the property is shut for three months – which means nobody other than housing associatio­n staff and the emergency services can enter it.

It represents another incident on the stretch. This year police forced their way into a different property in Montgomery Court where they seized phones, drugs, cash, scales and weapons.

Neighbours say they are pleased the closure order has been granted at the home, which the force has confirmed was not the same one raided in January.

A resident of the street, who asked not to be named, said: “It’s been going on for a while, they would come at all times of night and I couldn’t sleep because I was worrying what could happen. I’m glad the police have sorted it now, I don’t think they’ll be back”

Fellow resident Amanda Cummings says another neighbour had told her ‘needles’ were left in their bin and visitors to the property were ‘going to the toilet in the bushes’.

Police say the order represents the stance the force will take on antisocial behaviour. PC Chris Willder says officers will monitor the area and anyone not obeying the order will be dealt with.

He said: “We remain committed to acting in the best interests of our communitie­s and this includes taking action against those who continue to engage in anti-social behaviour across Staffordsh­ire.

“This property will be policed rigidly and anybody not adhering to the order will be dealt with in accordance with the powers that this order gives.”

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