The Sentinel

‘All I need is a cheap microphone and my computer’

- ROB FIDDAMAN this week chats to singer-songwriter Lucy-may Bennett about ‘making sad music for sad people’ and which artist ‘just has such a beautiful voice’

Hi Lucy, tell us a little bit about yourself

I’m Lucy, 18, and I’ve been writing songs for as long as I can remember. Obviously, some were terrible, but that’s not the point. My dad is my biggest fan – and I’m sure he would tell you the same thing.

I’ve always been interested in all things music, and I’m so excited to talk more about it.

What’s on your Spotify playlist at the moment?

It’s just a strange mixture of cheesy 80s bangers and heavy metal. I really can’t stick to a genre – I love just listening to anything and everything. My playlist will go from Sepultura to Heart, but that’s why I love it. Music for every occasion.

Do you have a favourite all-time album?

If I had to pick, I’d go with The Bends by Radiohead. Not a single skippable song in the whole album, and it really hits me in the feels. Thom Yorke just has such a beautiful voice. I’m so jealous.

I’ve heard you’re starting to write your own music! So, how do you start off writing a song, any particular process at all?

I usually start on my acoustic messing around with different chords and riffs. I’ll just keep playing them over and over again until eventually a melody forms and then comes the lyrics. I never start with lyrics – they’re something that usually comes later on. I find it easier to write lyrics about personal feelings and experience­s I’ve had – it just helps to add that emotional layer to an otherwise surface level song.

What genre of music would you say you belong in, if any?

I always make the joke that I make ’sad music for sad people’, but it’s kind of true. I’m still in the stage of finding my sound – and just seeing what sticks.

When do you think you’ll be putting your first single out?

I’ve written so many songs this past year – some better than others – but I finally have a song that I’m ready to record and fully release. I’ve released the demo on my Youtube channel – @wowthatsno­t_great – under the title Why Can’t We Just Be Friends.

Have you got a studio in mind where you are going to record your songs or can you do it yourself?

I kind of want it to have a sort of homemade sound – so I’m thinking of producing it myself. All I need is a cheap microphone and my computer and then I’ll just go from there.

Have you been involved in any bands before or sung locally?

I used to be in a duo band called Mirrored Image with my friend Charlie on the piano. We made an album together, which we still might rework and release, if he’s up for it of course. I’ve also done a lot of open mic, but that was mainly just a bit of fun.

Have you been inspired by any particular artist?

I would say I’m influenced by Arienne Lenker and Crywank. I really love Adrienne’s guitar style and how deep Crywank’s lyrics are. I want to create beautiful music just like they do.

Do you play any instrument­s?

I played ukulele for around four years before I switched to acoustic guitar. I do still have a soft spot for it though because I find it to be such a pretty instrument, and it’s so underrated! I also, this past year, have started learning the piano. I’m not very good at my theory though so don’t ask me to name any notes.

Will you be putting a full band together or just ask other musicians to help you out at gigs? Or are you just playing solo?

I would be interested in forming another duo possibly, maybe a double acoustic guitar sort of thing. I’m not sure that a full five-piece band would match the sound that I’m going for but I’m always up for experiment­ing with music.

For now though, I’m sticking with making music solo. I like to have full creative control and seeing my vision come to life.

In the future, would you like to release an EP, carry on releasing singles or work on an album?

I’m currently working on an EP, so that’s something to look forward to.

I’ve been wanting to do a project like this for months, as all I’ve really worked on is singles. Eventually, I do want to write an album, but this is something I will do later on down the line after I’ve better figured out what style of music I want to stick with.

There are some great places to play locally in Stoke-on-trent, but do you have anywhere in particular that you would love to play?

The Sugarmill! I go there a lot and I’ve seen live bands there, so it would feel so surreal to actually play there. I’d mostly just like to do small pub gigs though, as I just feel like the atmosphere would be perfect for my sound. I get bad stage fright sometimes, no matter how many times I perform I can’t shake it, so a small intimate venue is probably for the best.

Where would you like to see yourself this time next year with regards to your music?

By this time next year I want to be almost done with my EP. I finish college in about two months so I’ll have a lot more time to focus on my goals. I don’t think much will change in a year, I just plan to keep making music and seeing what happens. I may not be the best at music theory, or general technical skills, but I have a genuine passion for music, and I believe that that is more important.

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 ?? ?? Lucy-may Bennett. Inset, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, whose voice makes her ‘jealous’.
Lucy-may Bennett. Inset, Radiohead’s Thom Yorke, whose voice makes her ‘jealous’.

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