The Sentinel


Daughter to take on charity jump for mum ‘failed by the NHS’

- Rachel Alexander

A GRIEVING daughter is braving a skydive in memory of her mum who was ‘failed by the NHS’.

‘Kind and thoughtful’ Susan Forrester, above, was only 61 when she passed away after an operation to remove a brain tumour at the Royal Stoke last year.

An inquest into her death found that checks of anticoagul­ant therapy were not effectivel­y carried out. It resulted in four hours during which excessive anticoagul­ant therapy was administer­ed, which led to the fatal bleed on her brain.

The grandparen­t-of-three had a previously-undiagnose­d cancer which would have limited her life expectancy had she recovered from the brain tumour operation.

Susan’s daughter Sarah Turner said: “I’m so lucky to have had her in my life but I just wish I had more time with her or even been given the chance to say a proper goodbye to her.

“Mum was an amazing woman. She was so kind and thoughtful, putting everyone before herself. Even when she was so poorly, she never moaned or let it stop her. She was so brave and strong, she has left a massive hole in my heart and in everyone’s who knew her. She was a beautiful mum, nanny, wife and sister and we were all so so lucky to have had her in our lives.

“I’ve not been coping very well with mum’s death. It was really tough. It wasn’t just the death, it was the whole thing with the hospital. We didn’t get the closure.

“This skydive is something to focus on. It’s £2,000 a day to research for brain tumours, I think it will be nice to do it in mum’s memory.”

Sarah, 35, is having to lose two stone to complete the skydive which takes place on June 8 in Whitchurch, Shropshire.

She said: “I’m more scared of the dieting than the dive! I don’t want to let people down or mum down. I want to do it for all those beautiful memories mum has given me and as a thank you for being such an amazing woman.

“I hope the money raised for this skydive will help prevent families from feeling the way that me and my family now feel. Please give what you can, every bit will make a difference to funding Brain Tumour Research so that other angels, like my mum, aren’t taken too soon.”

 ?? ?? HAPPIER TIMES: Sarah with her mum Susan. Below, out story in February. ‘THE NHS FAILED HER’
HAPPIER TIMES: Sarah with her mum Susan. Below, out story in February. ‘THE NHS FAILED HER’
 ?? ?? To sponsor Sarah’s skydive, go to sarah-turner-1702147634­054
To sponsor Sarah’s skydive, go to sarah-turner-1702147634­054

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