The Simple Things

My day in cups of tea

Beach Hut Cook Elinor Hill

- ELINOR HILL is a freelance food and drink writer from East Sussex, who blogs as Beach Hut Cook. Her simple thing is feeding people, happy faces, happy bellies. beachhutco­

Good morning, time for tea?

Yes. My first cuppa is usually brought to me by my husband who makes it after his early seaside cycle. I like mine seriously strong with little milk. The next cuppa will be Earl Grey at the beach hut, which is only 350 metres from our house.

So, you live by the sea?

We’re a couple of streets back from the seafront in a three-storey Edwardian house. It’s furnished with lots of preloved items – as is our beach hut.

What about breakfast?

Breakfast is a slow affair for me – always with tea. I love the ritual of making tea and toast.

Do you have a morning routine?

If I’m feeling motivated, my day starts with a walk along the promenade and then a stop off at the beach hut. Then, back home, and a quick chat with our boys before they dash off to work or college. On the stroke of 9am, it’s head down to recipe or review writing and vlog planning.

Phew, time for elevenses. What are you up to?

An Earl Grey down the hut is always a joy. I may wander back down there to take back some washed crockery, have a tidy up, and often just end up sitting there watching the waves.

Do you have a favourite cup?

My mum collected odd teacups and saucers way before it was fashionabl­e. Most of them are at the beach hut, enjoying a new lease of life.

And what about the all-important snacks?

Biscuits kept at the hut need to be plain – something like a shortcake or a digestive – to cope with the ever-changing weather conditions.

Time to fit in one last tea before bed?

I love a bedtime blend or chamomile tea. I enjoy carrying the tea to a comfy spot to reflect on a good day. Watching the sun set with a hot cup of tea warming your hands is pure joy.

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