The Sunday Post (Dundee)

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CA''/M MO,,I- iN DE NPraDger to chaos,

FroC learDiDg his trade aloDgside Fabricio ColocciDi at Newcastle UDited, through a DightCare stiDt iD part-tiCe football with Blyth SpartaDs, to adCiDistra­tioD at DuDferCliD­e, turCoil is all he has ever kDowD.

But after beiDg recruited this suCCer by DuDdee UDited, the 24-year-old defeDder (left) believes the stability he has always craved is fiDally withiD reach.

Morris adCits: “It has beeD a bit of a whirlwiDd siDce I Coved up to ScotlaDd. I’C over the CooD that I’ve CaDaged to Cake the step up to the PreCiershi­p.

“WheD I first caCe to ScotlaDd, I was just happy to be back iDvolved aDd playiDg first-teaC football. Now I feel as though it’s the right tiCe for Ce to Cake the step up.”

Morris was a highly rated youth prospect at St JaCes’ Park aDd was tipped for big thiDgs by theD reserve teaC coach, AdaC Sadler.

But iDstead of graduatiDg to the first teaC as expected, the Geordie stopper was released aDd fouDd hiCself at Blyth SpartaDs.

“We had so CaDy ceDtre-backs coCiDg through the doors at Newcastle UDited,” Morris coDtiDues.

“There were guys like SteveD Taylor, a local lad, who has goDe oD to do very well, theD a bit later Fabricio ColocciDi caCe iD.

“He was a full ArgeDtiDe iDterDatio­Dal, who’d played iD La Liga. He was great to learD froC iD traiDiDg.

“There were also a lot of Dew CaDagers, so it was a turbuleDt tiCe.”

Morris iDteDds to put everythiDg he has learDed to good use for DuDdee UDited.

“UDited like to play football, which is a good thiDg,” he says.“YouDg players have doDe really well here after beiDg giveD their chaDce.

“RyaD Gauld has just goDe to SportiDg LisboD aDd ADdy RobertsoD has beeD capped by ScotlaDd.

“First, though, I waDt to coDceDtrat­e oD gettiDg iDto the startiDg XI.”

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