The Sunday Post (Dundee)


- By Ben Robinson

THE most prolific NHS timewaster­s are calling 999 so often they are costing the health service enough to hire a team of paramedics.

A Sunday Post investigat­ion has revealed individual patients are b o m b a rd i n g u n d e r- p re s s u re ambulance services with hundreds of calls a year.

One patient called the ambulance 636 times last year which cost the NHS at least £125,368 – equivalent to the annual wage of four experience­d paramedics.

Last night, experts accused repeat callers of draining scant NHS resources and risking lives.

Unison’s head of health in the north Trevor Johnston said: “People doing this are wasting time and given the shortage of resources at A& E, it could be a massive life and death situation for another person.”

The Sunday Post sent freedom of informatio­n requests to ambulance trusts throughout the country, asking for details of the top 50 patients who called the ambulance most often – known as “frequent flyers”.

The majority of trusts did not provide a detailed response but two – North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust and East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust – were able to reveal the massive scale of the problem.

The North East Ambulance Service said that during 2013/ 14 the 50 most frequent flyers made a combined 3,475 calls and on 2,441 occasions an ambulance was sent to their aid.

The trust estimates it costs £152.21 for an ambulance to attend a patient when they do not require further hospital treatment and £ 188.54 if they do. If none of the frequent flyers needed hospital treatment they would have cost the NHS a minimum of £371,544.

The most prolific individual caller in the north east last year made 359 calls, of which 132 resulted in an ambulance attending at a cost of £20,000 if they didn’t go to hospital and £24,887 if they went every time.

The second most prolific caller made 272 calls but 200 required an ambulance to attend at a minimum cost of £30,442.

Meanwhile in the East Midlands, the most prolific caller made a staggering 636 calls last year — equivalent to 53 every month.

Trust bosses said each call costs a minimum of £197.12 which means the patient cost the trust £ 125,368 – and significan­tly more if they needed to go to hospital.

Chief executive of the Patients Associatio­n Katherine Murphy claimed many frequent flyers turn to the ambulance service out of desperatio­n.

She said: “We receive countless calls to our helpline from many people who are unable to obtain a GP appointmen­t at a time when they need one.”

A spokesman for the North East Ambulance Service said: “It’s a small but persistent minority and can result in call handlers and ambulance crews getting tied up in unnecessar­y work.”

An East Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: “Having an ambulance travelling at speed to get to someone who doesn’t need medical help means it’s not available to go to a patient who is suffering a genuine, lifethreat­ening emergency.”

A NHS England spokesman said methods for dealing with frequent callers should be agreed locally with other medical profession­als.

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