The Sunday Post (Dundee)

It’s official – love and support saves lives!


RONNIE had always been a fit and active soul.

He worked in a busy job that required a lot of travelling and networking, plus he greatly enjoyed socialisin­g but never to excess.

So, when he took seriously ill late last year, it was a shock to everyone, not least himself.

“It was frightenin­g,” JIM and Hannah had laid aside the money for a short break.

Then they heard of a friend from years back who had been living rough, been through the hostel system and was trying to re-start his life. He had the promise of a job but needed a permanent address.

They wished they could help, then they realised they could – but it would cost them. What he needed was a deposit. About the same amount as they were spending on their break. So, they took a deep breath and set him up.

“Our few days away wasn’t as important in the grand scheme as the rest of his life,” Jim told me.

“And we did get a holiday,” Hannah added, “a holiday from taking having a home for granted!” he tells me, now thankfully fully recovered.

“I was in hospital for six weeks and hooked up to more tubes than I cared to count.

“At one point, it looked like it was touch and go.”

So what pulled him through?

“Well, apart from the wonderful medical care I received, the doctors said the main reason I’m still here was down to the positive attitude I had during my illness.

“And much of THAT was down to all the support I received from family and friends. Every visitor and every get well soon card helped keep my spirits up.”

So there you have it – being nice really does save lives! I LAUGHED when I heard about the Dalry boy who was marked down in a test for saying the capital of Scotland was Kilwinning!

His gran, when she visited his house, would play on the friendly rivalry between the two towns, saying: “I’m away back to Kilwinning – it’s the capital of Scotland, you know.”

And because gran said it, he believed it! So, how else was he going to answer the question? You could say he should have paid more attention at school, but how can we criticise the wee soul?

Any boy who pays such close attention to what his gran says is bound to have a happy and successful life – whether it be in Dalry, Edinburgh or Kilwinning!

How innocent is a little child,

Their life depends on you, To nurture them with all your love, And guide them through life too; This little child will soon grow up,

A man or woman be, But don’t forget those precious years,

They once sat upon your knee.

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