The Sunday Post (Dundee)



Why do we itch? What good does it do and is there a time when we should resist doing it?

Itching can occur for a variety of reasons. Often it is due to our skin being a bit dry or sometimes skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. It can be related to some medication­s and also to infections or infestatio­ns such as scabies. Often itching makes us scratch to obtain some relief from this but in general it is best to resist doing it. Although the relief can be temporary at the time, it can cause damage to the skin and symptoms tend to recur. It is best to find out what is causing the itch and then treat it accordingl­y. Using a regular moisturise­r and avoiding perfumed products which may be irritating the skin is generally a good idea.

I’ve not suffered any trauma to the area but my tailbone is causing me a bit of discomfort. What could it be?

It may be that there is a little inflammati­on or arthritis in this area causing discomfort. Avoiding sitting for prolonged periods of time can help and simple painkiller­s may help to relieve the pain.

What is the treatment for gout? I’ve got sore feet and my wife thinks I might have the condition.

Patients with gout have a hot, red, swollen and very painful inflammati­on of a joint, often the big toe but it can affect any joint. It occurs when uric acid crystals build up in the joint. A simple blood test can indicate if you are suffering from this, but there are other causes for sore joints like arthritis. The treatment of the acute episodes is usually with pain relief and anti-inflammato­ry medication. If it is gout, and you are having frequent attacks, there is a drug called allopurino­l which can help prevent attacks occurring in the first place.

I’ve got what looks like a splinter in my foot, but I’ve been told it could also be a hair. Is this possible?

It is likely that this is a splinter. Sometimes a hair can become buried beneath the skin. Whatever the reason it sounds as though you may have a small foreign body that would be best removed if it is causing you discomfort. The practice nurse or GP can have a look at this for you.

I’ve developed a buzzing noise in my left ear. I’m not sure it’s tinnitus as it’s only one side.

Tinnitus is a word used to describe ringing in the ears and it can be in both ears or just the one. Sometimes simple things such as the build-up of wax can cause this, so it would worth having checked.

Is it normal to have a tickly cough for a long time? I’ve had one for several months and my colleagues are becoming deeply irritated.

A cough which goes on for several months should be checked out in case there is anything more serious going on. Sometimes it can be due to reflux acid from the stomach, which can be helped by medication. If your GP has concerns or if there are any other symptoms such as weight loss or coughing up blood, it would be important to have a chest X-ray done.

I underwent hip replacemen­t surgery a few years ago, but now I’m getting pain running down the back of my leg. Could it need repaired?

Pain running down the back of your leg sounds like sciatica, which usually is caused by a problem in the lower back causing nerve irritation. If your hip joint is working well and not causing any pain, then it is more likely to be due to your back. However, if it is ongoing, you should get it checked out.

What causes a detached retina?

A detached retina occurs when tiny breaks develop inside the retina which allows fluid to leak underneath. This tends to cause the retina to pull away from the blood vessels that supply it. If the blood supply is compromise­d, then the nerve cells inside the retina will die causing loss of vision. It can happen as part of the normal ageing process. It can also be caused by direct injury to the eye but this is a bit less common.

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