The Sunday Post (Dundee)



I regularly use iron tablets but have been warned not to take too many of them. What happens if I do and how can I tell how much is a safe level of iron?

There is no point in taking more than three iron tablets a day as the body simply cannot absorb more than 600mg of iron per day. If you take too many though you may also develop symptoms of nausea and constipati­on. Stick to the dose recommende­d on the label and you’ll be fine.

Can fish oil tablets help with joints?

Omega 3 oil and some other natural fish oils help relieve joint pain and stiffness in some people. However fish oil tablets can be expensive, and eating oily fish once per week or Omega 3-enriched eggs may be more cost effective and nutritious.

I have to go for an op to remove polyps in my nose. What will this entail – and will I be unconsciou­s?

Some small nasal polyps can be removed under local anaestheti­c in a clinic, during which you’ll be fully awake. Larger ones, deeper with the nose or sinus cavity, sometimes require an anaestheti­c and a day in hospital. Which anaestheti­c you’ll receive will depend on whether you’re having large or small polyps removed.

My wife suffers from cramp at night, but it’s cleared up since she put a magnet under the sheets. Is there any medical evidence that this method works?

There is no medical evidence for magnetism improving health. The word “mesmerism” comes from 18th Century physician Franz Mesmer. His methods resulted in rich patients parting with their money in the hope that magnets would improve health.

The doctor says I have H. Pylori. Can you explain what it is?

Helicobact­er Pylori or “H Py” is a very common germ which about 30% of us carry in our stomachs. Most people are unaware of its presence but some people find that their indigestio­n is made worse. If tests show that you have H Py, it is worthwhile undergoing an eradicatio­n course of two types of antibiotic­s for one week.

I have fibroids – should they be removed?

Fibroids are knots of muscle within the womb. Many women have small fibroids which cause no harm and don’t require treatment. Larger fibroids though can interfere with things like fertility or can increase the volume of menstrual blood loss and increased pain. The decision to remove these fibroids is made on an individual basis by a gynecologi­st assessing your own personal circumstan­ce.

What can cause a recurring burning sensation in the soles of one’s feet? I seem to have it most days.

Changes in the nerves or circulatio­n to the feet can cause a burning sensation. It should be checked out by your GP, particular­ly if you have diabetes or anything putting the circulatio­n or nerve supply to the feet at risk.

My daughter refuses to pick up her baby son if he cries, saying it’ll spoil him. Is this safe? I’m worried he’ll think he’s being ignored and it’ll scar him.

This will be down to the parents and what they feel is the best approach. Your daughter and any other adult involved in the care of her son need to talk through some sensible rules with respect to feeding, behaviour and things like picking him up. Once you have agreed the rules, stick to them.

After several years of muscle problems, a relative has been diagnosed with dystonia. What is it?

Dystonia refers to a range of conditions where the muscles do not work properly. Some types are hereditary, while some are caused by medication­s and diseases. Treatment depends on the specific type identified by neurology specialist­s.

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