The Sunday Post (Dundee)

“I suffered with Macular Degenerati­on until I tried this simple 3-step approach”

Former civil servant Stella Francis talks to James Maguire about regaining her confidence and independen­ce after trying three simple methods


Over 2 million people in the UK are living with sight loss. And the number is growing due to natural degenerati­on from the age l50. Age macular degenerati­on is a progressiv­e condition that leads to loss of vision and loss of independen­ce. But with the right help you can combat these problems, reports James Maguire. I met with Stella in my favourite coffee shop to find out how she had dealt with Macular Degenerati­on which had really started to have an affect her on life. Macular Degenerati­on is a very common deteriorat­ion of the eyesight that can begin in your 50’s. My first impression was that she looked at least ten years younger than her 64 years and she greeted me with a warm smile and a firm handshake. Originally from Yorkshire, she told me, in that straight talking, no-nonsense way how gradual eyesight loss, blurred and strained vision and headaches had started to ruin her life when she was in her mid-fifties. “I started getting those awful blank spots in my vision and it made it so difficult to read prescripti­on bottles, receipts or anything in small text. I gave up sending texts altogether and I could hardly use the computer for more than ten minutes without getting terrible eyestrain” These symptoms are clear signs of Macular Degenerati­on. This condition is now considered one of the leading causes of poor vision and eyesight loss amongst adults in the western world. “I don't mind telling you I was really scared… terrified even. I felt disorienta­ted and was losing my confidence and independen­ce. You fear the worst and it's so depressing, so terrifying!”

The thought of losing your sight is terrifying

I paused, seeing her well up and waited for her to compose herself, but that typical Yorkshire grit came through as she suddenly picked up the menu and ordered a chocolate brownie. I reluctantl­y said no as I’m trying to eat healthier! So, what was the reason behind her new found confidence? “Oh, all those problems are a thing of the past now... I'd had enough and decided to take some action. About two and half years ago I bought myself a cracking little book by a fellow called Chet Cunningham... 'Improving Your Eyesight'. It taught me lots of simple techniques, exercises and little dietary tricks that can help stop Macular Degenerati­on in its tracks. I'd never heard of Lutein before I read this book, but now it's an integral part of my diet... it's made such a huge difference” Many experts have praised the advice given in the book and see it as an essential guide to dealing with and improving eyesight problems related to Macular Degenerati­on. The book is widely recommende­d and used all over the world to preserve and improve eyesight.

True Vision Glasses literally

re-train your vision!

Stella also sang the praises of a revolution­ary device called the 'True Vision' glasses, which she says have made an extraordin­ary improvemen­t in her vision. “If you hold your forefinger and your thumb together on each hand and then push them together they leave a tiny hole. Now hold that hole up to one eye whilst keeping the other eye closed. Immediatel­y you can see things more clearly.” I couldn't believe it... it really did work” Stella went on to tell me that... 'True Vision' glasses imitate this remarkable effect and have helped ‘train’ her eyes. She wears them at home for up to an hour a day and it makes life so much easier for reading books, emails, text messages and anything difficult to read. I’ve also found that watching TV puts less strain on my eyes now. “I’ve used them now for the best part of a year and they have definitely made a difference. I have less eye-strain and I see everything more clearly”

It gets better and better!

Whilst Stella's attention was taken with the arrival of a delicious looking chocolate brownie I was able to get her to talk in between mouthfuls. I asked her what the third and final step was that helped her regain her confidence and independen­ce. “Oh sweetheart, it's the final bit of magic!” she said as she produced what looked like a credit card from her purse, “This is a fabulous little device. It’s called the Magni Lite and I have one in my bag at all times. It’s a credit card size magnifier with a built-in light. When I need to read something in small writing I just whip it out and 'hey-ho Bob's your uncle'. It's an absolute godsend in the supermarke­t when I can't read the ingredient­s or calories on the packets. It also has a light to help illuminate the text”. I tried the card over the tiny writing on a sugar sachet and the magnificat­ion was incredible – 300%! You can use this card with just about anything – menus, medicine labels, maps and newspapers. As my willpower finally caved in and I ordered myself a chocolate brownie, Stella told me quite firmly the importance of taking action about visual problems as soon as they appear …. and even before. “You can’t let Macular Degenerati­on take over your life and ruin your eyesight; you have to take control yourself. I've used the book, the glasses and the Magni- Lite as a three pronged improvemen­t programme and it's honestly changed my life …. you only get one pair of eyes so look after them every day!”

Demonstrat­ion of how the True Vision glasses work

 ??  ?? “They have definitely made a difference. I see everything
more clearly.”
“They have definitely made a difference. I see everything more clearly.”
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