The Sunday Post (Dundee)

A beautiful bouquet of joy for inspiratio­nal Rob


I sit relaxed and cosy, So peaceful and serene, This little home is all my own,

Where I can simply dream; I conjure up what could well be,

If lady luck might call, But on reflection of these thoughts,

Good health is best of all.

Rob is a writer of true-life inspiratio­nal stories for magazines and websites.

He usually posts his favourites on his Facebook page where they are enjoyed by family and friends.

One of his regular readers is Kathy, who has been undergoing a protracted recovery from cancer. During some of her darkest moments, Rob’s stories have been a bright light and an encouragem­ent to her.

All this is wonderful enough in itself.

“NOT much of a view,” I said, glancing out of the hotel window at the car park.

“Oh, look again,” the lady of the house suggested.

She showed me the wine-coloured ivy growing over the bin-bays, the buddleia bushes growing around roof gargoyles, the history written in a wall that had been built up over the centuries, and the architectu­re involved in adding a modern floor on top of an old office block.

I have to admit it, I was soon engrossed.

“Of course,” she said, turning to unpack, “what applies to a view also applies to people.”

Look again!

However, it’s even more wonderful when you know that years ago Rob was unemployed and Kathy was the writing tutor who convinced him he could write and encouraged him to send stuff away!

Truly, we never know when the seeds we plant will come back to us as a bouquet of flowers.

ANGELA works in a bank. The other day a woman apologised for taking so long getting from the head of the queue to Angela’s counter.

She leaned heavily on walking sticks and explained she was a bit of a wreck these days before adding that her eyesight wasn’t what it used to be and that her hearing wasn’t up to scratch.

But she took the time to ask Angela’s name, inquire how her day had been and then, when business was done, she left with a joke and a smile.

The man at the next counter who had overheard all this laughed and said: “Her body may be failing a little but her spirit’s still in excellent shape, I’d say!”

We should all be such wrecks!

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