The Sunday Post (Dundee)




FISH PIE is great comfort food and this version gives you a healthy portion of veg, too. Instead of a potato and cheese topping, it uses carrots and swede. That means it’s lower in calories, but definitely not taste. Yogurt adds creaminess, too.

This recipe is part of Seafish’s new campaign, Fish 2 A Week, which encourages us all to eat more seafood as part of a healthy diet.

Find out more at fishisthed­

You’ll need:

For the topping

● 500g carrots, peeled and chopped

● 500g swede, peeled and chopped

● 1 large egg, beaten

● 4tbsp fat-free natural yogurt For the pie

● 300g fat-free natural yogurt

● 150g quark

● 4tbsp chopped fresh dill

● 2tbsp chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

● 200g skinless cod fillets, cooked and cut into large bite-sized pieces

● 200g skinless smoked haddock fillets, cooked and flaked

● 3 hard boiled eggs, peeled and quartered

● 200g cooked and peeled prawns

● Juice of ½ a lemon


1. Start by making the topping. Put the carrots and swede into a large pan of boiling water and cook for 25-30 minutes, until tender. Drain, return to the pan and mash. Allow to cool, stir in beaten egg and yogurt, season and set aside.

2. Preheat the oven to 200°C/180°C fan/gas mark 6/400F.

3. Place the yogurt, quark, dill and parsley in a saucepan and warm gently. Add the cod and haddock and cook for five minutes.

4. Place the fish mixture in a large bowl and mix with the hard boiled eggs, prawns and lemon juice. Season and mix well. Transfer this mixture to a deep, ovenproof dish.

5. Spoon the vegetable topping over the surface, then ruffle with a fork. Place in the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.

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