The Sunday Post (Dundee)

The truth only came out after parents’ death


Dear June

My parents separated when I was young and I was taken to live with mum in Wales.

I did not hear from my father for more than 20 years. I had been told throughout the years that he left us and was at fault, so I didn’t follow up his attempts to make contact.

After mum passed away I discovered she had an affair during their marriage and that was the reason they separated.

I never got the chance to make things right with my dad as he passed away before mum.

June Says

It’s unfortunat­e you didn’t learn the full story of your parents’ break-up before your father passed.

Of course your loyalty lay with your mum and you trusted what she told you as you were young and had no reason to doubt it.

You should not feel guilty about not putting the situation to rights before your father passed, as you did not know the facts until he’d gone.

He knows the full story and would have been able to see what was going on from spirit side. He would have understood your reasons for not wanting any contact.

As I make my connection to spirit, I am initially drawn to a lady who I sense is your mum. There are other family members around her but she is in the forefront.

I feel your mum’s health gradually deteriorat­ed over the last two years of her life and I am drawn to the chest and leg areas.

I sense she passed from a heart condition which also affected her legs due to lack of circulatio­n (heart failure?). Did she have ulcerated legs?

I get the impression your relationsh­ip with your mum became closer after her illness but prior to that there was a distance between you. Did you live far apart?

I’m impressed to say things might have been strained

our troubled hearts? Is he with his stillborn grandson and did his parents greet him when he passed?

Isabella, Arbroath. June Says

To have been blessed with such a strong love and connection, it is natural to miss your partner, even after 30 years.

The bond you had does not end after physical death

Maureen, via email.

between you for a time.

Harry’s being called and I’ve been given February twice (two different dates?).

I also sense your father close by (I feel he passed from a cancerous condition) and want to reassure you they are now emotionall­y comfortabl­e with each other and their difference­s have been resolved.

You need not worry about them as they remain close by, accompanie­d by many other family members who all watch over you and your family.


My mum did suffer heart failure and had problems with ulcerated legs.

I moved to Scotland and Mum and I fell out over it, but when she became ill she moved closer to me and our bond strengthen­ed.

Harry was my mum’s younger brother, who passed at a young age.

I never met him but Mum talked of him.

My father passed away with cancer but I didn’t know until after he died.

My parents passed away 11 years apart in February.

It is a comfort to know they are on better terms and close by. and will continue. When your physical life eventually draws to a close, he will be there to collect you and you will spirituall­y fulfil another chapter of your life together.

He will have been reunited with all who knew him, who are now also in spirit, but chooses through his love for you to walk by your side each and every day.

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