The Sunday Post (Dundee)

I feel I can’t go on without him


Dear June

My husband of 46 years died in October and I was with him when he passed.

He had been ill for a long time but the end came very suddenly.

I love and miss him so much.

Today is one of those days when I feel I can’t go on any longer without him.

Anon, Glasgow.

June Says

After the loss of a husband you loved so dearly and whom you spent most of your life with, it is understand­able to have days where you feel you cannot go on without him.

This is very much a part of the grieving/healing process that we must all go through in order for us to adapt and adjust to a life without that special someone.

You shared your lives for more than 46 years and you will undoubtedl­y feel very lost at times without him by your side, but you will slowly start to recover over time.

When you fell in love and married all those years ago, you set off on an adventure together.

You shared your thoughts, hopes and dreams, not thinking that there would come a day when you would be separated.

This separation is not for ever.

Your loving husband has only gone on ahead but will be waiting patiently for you to join him when the time is right.

Until that time comes, please know he is by your side each day helping you and lovingly supporting you throughout your journey of grief.

Dear June

Something strange is happening in my bedroom after my husband brings my tea and tablets each morning.

After taking my pills, I lie back down to snooze. I rarely return to a full sleep.

During this time, I hear a very low purring and then a pressure on my duvet cover as a presence walks towards

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