The Sunday Post (Dundee)


Start the revolution in your community


I do not always agree with Donald Macleod’s articles, but his comments and observatio­ns were spot on last Sunday.

The protesters in London, Edinburgh and Glasgow were made up of self-serving, middle-class twits and, at the other end of the scale, the benefits claimants who would rather join a queue or demonstrat­ion than do a day’s work.

Their actions will do very little to help and save the planet.

I am sure the amount of litter that they will have left behind, along with the graffiti, and general disruption, will do nothing to help their cause.

Their time would be better spent returning to their own communitie­s and helping hard-pressed councils and the many volunteers who try and keep their streets free from litter.

D Robertson, Troon

I wholeheart­edly agree with Donald Macleod’s observatio­ns on the Extinction Rebellion activists. I fully support their cause, but don’t they realise they are the problem?

Actress Emma Thompson was reported to have flown back from America in order to address protesters. Are we meant to believe she came over by magic carpet? That’s the only form of air transport that wouldn’t impact on our climate, and I doubt if she’d have had time to swim.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are cutting back on the use of animal products, cutting out unnecessar­y car journeys and cutting down on the use of electricit­y. Let’s cut out the futile protests while we’re about it.

Mary Cook, Lincs

Page 30: The sad story of a Labradoodl­e rushed to the vet after scoffing a hot cross bun.

Page 56: Wee Harry’s wee pal Jock scoffing a hot cross bun.

Ooops! Wee Jock at the vet’s next week?

Philip Turner, Stockport

On page 30 there was a story about Ralph the Labradoodl­e eating a hot cross bun and having to be taken to a vet for medical treatment. On page 56 Wee Harry’s friend Jock scoffs a hot cross bun. Did Oor Wullie rush him to a vet?

Bernard Powell, Southport

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