The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Good for the sole: Mental health experts hail the power. of positive running as Scots are urged to hit the road

Charities call for action to boost activity

- By Tracey Bryce

You can’t run away from your problems, they say, but maybe they’re wrong.

Running is now hailed as one of the most effective ways to improve mental health, with experts suggesting that exercise can be so mood enhancing that, in some cases, it is replacing antidepres­sant medication.

Next month marks Mental Health Awareness Week – and a chance to get the nation involved in talking about and acting upon the subject of fitness and mental health. Sportscotl­and will be teaming up with the Scottish Football Associatio­n and S c o t t i s h Ru g by Union to host a conference highlighti­ng mental health in sport at profession­al level.

And the Scottish Associatio­n for Me n t a l He a l t h ( SAMH) will be promoting its Me n t a l He a l t h Charter for Physical Activity and Sport, which encourages sporting organisati­ons and clubs, from grassroots to elite levels, to pledge support to ensure there is no barrier to engaging, participat­ing and achieving in physical activity and sport for anyone with a mental health problem.

The charity is also calling for free exercise on prescripti­on, and exercise referral schemes to be open to people across the country.

Even light physical activity, according to experts, can have a huge impact on mental health.

Head of spor ts medicine at Sportscotl­and Dr Niall Elliott said: “Evidence has shown that doing just 150 minutes of light exercise a week can not only reduce things like diabetes, heart problems and some cancers, but can also decrease the risk of developing mental health issues like

depression and anxiety by a third. People with an active lifestyle are more likely to eat better, sleep better and have a more socially active life.

“They’re also less likely to have time off work or be unemployed.

“We all have different issues in our life, from bereavemen­t to money issues, but 25% of us will suffer from a mental health issue in our life.

“And one in 15 of us will contemplat­e self-harm in our lives.

“The figures are pretty staggering. “Life deals cruel issues to patients, from bipolar and schizophre­nia to PTSD, but science shows that giving them a tool like sport can help.

“In fact, many mental health patients taking up physical activity have been able to use it as an

antidepres­sant and reduce their medication or even come off it entirely.

“Sport creates a hormonal release and more serotonin which is the mood hormone, it improves the heart function, circulatio­n and helps the body get rid of waste products quicker. It even has an effect on the nerves. And good heart health means decreased risk of stroke and dementia by 20%.”

Professor Ewan Gillon, clinical director of First Psychology Scotland, added: “People are like animals. If you didn’t walk a dog all day, it would go stir crazy, and it’s the same with us and exercise.

“Exercise has a real feel- good factor. It gives us a sense of feeling better and of achievemen­t. It also provides a distractio­n from your troubles, and a great excuse to get outside, breathe in the fresh air.”

Scottish swimming champion Michael Jamieson, who won a silver medal at the Olympic Games in London 2012, struggled with depression as an elite athlete.he went from the high of an Olympic medal to the dark lows of mental illness. But he found getting back into sport as a hobby massively aided his recovery.

“It wasn’t spor t that led to my depression, but how, as a profession­al athlete, I processed it.

“I became addicted to personal developmen­t and when you’re talking about bettering your performanc­e by hundredths of a second, it can become intense.

“But I found sport for enjoyment, rather than with a competitiv­e edge, really helped me through. I was able to go back to sports I used to do before swimming – and take up some new ones.

“I played football, went skiing, played tennis, took up golf and went out running too.”

The 30-year-old, who runs a swim academy in his home city of Glasgow, added: “I was on antidepres­sants, but I didn’t like taking them. I found sport relaxing. It was a major factor in helping lift my mood and helped me on the road to recovery.”

How to encourage more Scots to benefit from the life- changing ability of sport and exercise was debated at Holyrood on Thursday when MSPS discussed SAMH proposals including free gym membership or fitness classes for people with mental health issues or staff specifical­ly trained to help people with mental health get started in sport.

And equal access to e x e rcise referral across Scotland. Medical guidelines set out by NICE and SIGN for the treatment of mildmodera­te depression include prescr ib ing e x e rc i s e re f e rr a l schemes but access to schemes can be limited depending on where a person lives.

SAMH said: “We welcome the progress made by the Scottish Government to increase physical activity levels. But there is more to do to in order to achieve a Scotland where everyone is supported and enabled to be physically active, ultimately improving Scotland’s mental health.”

 ??  ?? Evidence suggests running benefits the mind and body
Evidence suggests running benefits the mind and body
 ??  ?? Michael Jamieson
Michael Jamieson
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