The Sunday Post (Dundee)

The advantage of the video is it would be at the start of the trial

It is naive to believe juries decide solely on the evidence they have heard in court

- By Judith Duffy

Juries in Scotland may be shown videos to debunk myths about rape in a bid to address low conviction rates.

The Scottish Government’s Victim Taskforce, launched to improve services for victims of crime, is looking at introducin­g “pre- instructio­n” videos for juries in sex offence trials.

Campaigner­s say research using mock juries suggests that myths about rape can influence the decisions of jurors.

Common rape myths suggest victims who have been drinking should not complain, that people often lie about being raped, and rape is more likely to be committed by a stranger than someone known to the victim.

Sandy Brindley, chief executive of charity Rape Crisis Scotland, says the conviction rate for rape was the lowest of any crime type in Scotland.

She said: “There has been a number of studies in relation to attitudes to rape which show a significan­t proportion of the public hold attitudes that blame women for ra p e in certain circumstan­ces.

“Our worr y is the combinatio­n of jury attitudes and not- proven verdicts could be contributi­ng to wrongful acquittals. Urgent action is required.”

Statistics show just 43% of rape and attempted rape cases in Scotland resulted in a guilty verdict in 2017-18. The conviction rate for all types of crime was 87%.

The issue of rape myths was raised in a review of serious sexual offence cases in Northern Ireland, launched after two rugby players were found not guilty of rape.

Sir John Gillen recommende­d a film be played to jurors at the start of a trial in serious sexual offence cases. “This is something we definitely need to consider,” said Ms Brindley.

It has also been found, in a survey last year by the End Violence Against Women coalition, that one- third of people believed there must be physical violence for sexual activity to count as rape.

One-third of men and one-fifth of women also said it would not usually be considered rape if a woman had flirted on a date.

Recent changes in law mean judges can now give informatio­n to juries to address issues such as why a victim may have delayed reporting a sexual offence. The Gillen review, however, raised concerns over the effectiven­ess of the jury direction.

A woman who successful­ly sued a man cleared in court of raping her welcomed the proposed video guidance for juries yesterday.

Stephen Coxen, from Greater Manchester, was accused of raping the woman, known as Miss M, after a night out in St Andrews in 2013.

He denied the charges and a jury found the case not proven after a criminal trial in 2015.

But, after she took a civil action last year, a sheriff ruled he had raped

Ms Brindley said: “One worry is that it comes at the end of a trial, when jury members may have already made up their mind. The advantage of the preinstruc­tion video is it would be at the start of the trial.”

But defence QC Thomas Ross, former president of the Scottish Criminal Bar Associatio­n, said he did not see any basis for the introducti­on of pre-instructio­n videos.

He said: “Every rape case is different and if they are doing a onesizefit­s- all video how could you be certain it didn’t impact directly on an issue that is relevant to the case? “It is fraught with danger.” Dr Dominic Willmott, research Miss M and ordered he pay damages. Miss M, who is now 24, said misconcept­ions around rape is an issue that must be addressed.

She said: “I was raped and I still blamed myself for freezing at one point.

“I blamed myself for having drunk too much and I shamed myself for not going to the police the next day. The fact is that freezing is a normal thing when you fear for your own life and it is more common than people think to delay reporting to fellow at Huddersfie­ld University, has carried out “mock trials” to examine jury attitudes.

He said studies had shown “compelling evidence” that belief in rape myths had a direct influence on delivering not-guilty verdicts.

Dr Willmott said introducin­g pre- instructio­n videos would be a step in the right direction, but he is sceptical how effective it would be.

He said: “Would we really expect a racist juror in a case that has a black defendant, to watch a video and they are somehow able to set aside those racist beliefs? It is unlikely.

“It is better than nothing, but I am not entirely convinced it works.” the police. But how many people understand this?”

In civil cases, judgments are made on the balance of probabilit­ies, rather than beyond reasonable doubt as in criminal trials.

Sheriff Robert Weir said Miss M had given “compelling and persuasive” evidence.

Miss M said preinstruc­tion videos would be helpful, not just in discussing rape myths but other issues such as the “not proven” verdict in Scotland, which she wants to see scrapped.

He said a long- term solution would be education at school on rape myths to “fix the next generation”.

However, Dr Willmott suggested screening measures could be introduced in order to identify jurors likely to believe rape myths.

Sarah Crawford, lead solicitor at the Scottish Women’s Rights Centre, said: “It is helpful the Victims Taskforce is specifical­ly considerin­g the experience­s of people who have experience­d sexual offences in the justice system. We hope this will lead to reform of the criminal justice system and a significan­t improvemen­t in the experience­s and outcomes for those who require to access it.”







There were rapes and attempted rapes reported to the police in Scotland in total of Two hundred and forty seven men were taken to court over rape and attempted rape in and were convicted, a conviction rate for rape and attempted rape of


 ??  ?? Miss M believes more must be done to dispel myths around rape
Miss M believes more must be done to dispel myths around rape
 ??  ?? Stephen Coxen lost civil case
Stephen Coxen lost civil case

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