The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Family call for mesh death inquiry

Children of implant victim demand inquiry into her death claiming officials do not want to know the truth

- By Marion Scott Chief reporter

The family of the first woman in the UK to have mesh listed as one of the causes of her death has demanded an inquiry into why a post mortem was not ordered.

They say the failure to fully investigat­e the death of 75-yearold Eileen Baxter last year is putting other women at risk as the prolapse mesh procedure is still being used in hospitals, despite use of other implants being suspended.

Mark Baxter and his sister, Audrey Thomson, want a Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) and the immediate halt to the use of the implant, which is inserted abdominall­y.

Painter and decorator Mark, 53, said: “Mum would have wanted lessons to have been learned from her death.

“But nothing has been done because no post mortem was carried out.

“It’s hard to understand why such a vital opportunit­y has been lost. It feels like no one wants to ask the questions as they don’t want to know the answers.

“This is why we’re pressing for an FAI, so the truth about the safety of this mesh procedure is properly examined.

They say they Eileen, a great grandmothe­r from Loanhead, Midlothian, spent the last years of her life in agony after having an abdominal mesh procedure, sacrocolpo­pexy, in 2013.

The pensioner was rushed into hospital last August where she suffered a perforated bowel, lapsed into a coma and died.

It was later discovered mesh had perforated her bladder and adhered to her bowel.

He r death certificat­e lists multiple organ failure, rectal perforatio­n, pelvic inflammati­on with possible sepsis, and sacrocolpo­pexy mesh repair.

But a year after Eileen’s death, NHS Lothian cannot even tell her family which company made the mesh, never mind if the implant was defective .

E i leen ’s husband Chic,

80, said: “The medical people are turning cartwheels to play down the effect the mesh had on my wife.

“But I’ll go to my grave knowing that

was what killed her. I had to watch the torture and pain she went through on a daily basis from the moment they put that plastic inside her, and Eileen was convinced it was destroying her health.”

Her daughter Audrey, 51, said: “The day surgeons put mesh inside my mum was the day they delivered her death sentence. “For years she was in agony as the mesh slowly poisoned her body and cut into her organs. “Why they did not carry out a post mortem and save other families from having to NEWS SPECIAL

live through a similar ordeal is nothing short of scandalous.”

Audrey says she is having counsellin­g to get over the horror of her mum’s death, and the feelings of guilt she still suffers as she believed doctors who kept assuring Eileen that mesh was not the cause of her pain.

She said: “It’s hard to live with myself some days as I listened to all the specialist­s telling mum mesh wasn’t the problem, and I’d urge her to try to get up.

“Mum never believed what they told her for a second. She was convinced mesh was to blame – and she was right.

“We have nothing at all to gain from continuing to fight except the knowledge that mum would have wanted us to prevent this happening to any other patient.

“Our fight won’t stop until we get an FAI.”

Eileen’s family say the moment mesh was entered into her death certificat­e, alarm bells should have alerted the Crown Office that a post mortem was in the public interest.

Lawyer Amy Haughton, of Thompsons Solicitors, said: “The Baxter family have been through absolute hell.

“Only a full and open inquiry will give them the answers they deserve and show once again the dangers posed by surgical mesh.

“The Scottish Government have made clear that mesh procedures must be halted in all but extreme circumstan­ces.

“That position must be rigorously enforced by the health secretary to stop tragedies like this from happening again.”

Although other mesh implants for treating bladder and prolapse are currently suspended across the UK, medical watchdog NICE says, despite what it describes as “serious but well-recognised safety concerns”, the use of sacrocolpo­pexy procedures continues.

NICE says surgeons must ensure patients are informed of a risk of prolapse recurring and of mesh erosion.

Only experience­d specialist­s can perform the procedure and all details must be placed on a registry database.

Healthcare Improvemen­t Scotland carry out a random inspection of the certificat­es for around 6,000 of the 55,000 deaths which occur in Scotland each year outwith sudden, suspicious and stillbirth­s.

But a spokesman for the agency said: “T h e De a t h Certificat­ion Review Service has no role in relation to post mortems of people who die in Scotland.”

The Crown Office said: “The Procurator Fiscal may instruct a post mortem examinatio­n to assist in establishi­ng the cause of a death.

“A post mortem may not add to the understand­ing of the circumstan­ces of a death and the Procurator Fiscal will only instruct this procedure where it is necessary.”

NHS Lothian say around 12 abdominal colposacro­plexy procedures are carried out each year by the authority.

Dr Tracey Gillies, medical director, NHS Lothian, said :“If a family has concerns or questions about the care of a loved one, we will review the circumstan­ces and discuss in detail with them to help provide understand­ing.

“We are unable to publicly discuss any patient care without consent.”

A Sc o t t i s h Gove r n m e n t spokespers­on said: “The health secretary met Mrs Baxter’s family last year to assure them NHS Lothian would conduct a full review of Mrs Baxter’s death.

“We understand that NHS Lothian have now completed their review and have shared the findings with Mrs Baxter’s family.

“We would expect the b o a rd to ac t immediatel­y on any lessons learned and to share these with other boards as appropriat­e. We are writing to NHS Lothian to ensure this is carried out.”

 ??  ?? Eileen Baxter’s death certificat­e is the first in Britain to cite mesh procedure as a cause of death
Eileen Baxter’s death certificat­e is the first in Britain to cite mesh procedure as a cause of death
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 ?? Picture: ?? Mark and Audrey, Eileen Baxter’s children, and husband Chic hold a picture of her last week
Chris Austin
Picture: Mark and Audrey, Eileen Baxter’s children, and husband Chic hold a picture of her last week Chris Austin

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