The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Take your job and keep it: Scientists reveal why retirement could be bad for your health

Researcher­s discover 85,000 Scots working beyond 65 could be living healthier, fitter and longer lives

- By Janet Boyle

Bad news? More of us than ever are working past retirement age. Good news? It might be keeping us alive.

Around 85,000 Scots are now working on, towards and beyond their seventies.

And research has revealed working just one more year beyond 65 can mean up to an 11% lower risk of dying.

It adds that people who continue to clock on after 65 are three times more likely to report being in good health.

They are also half as likely to have serious medical problems such as cancer or heart disease, or to suffer dementia.

Research into half a million people in France showed that brainpower and mental agility stays sharp in those who delayed retirement.

But how do you stay healthy enough to work into your seventies and beyond?

Leading aging expert professor Paul Shiels says evidence points to staying active and having a good social life as two vital keys.

He heads up the Shiels Lab at Glasgow University and has studied the science of staying youthful.

“If you want to stay fit and healthy, learn to dance or play a sport,” he says.

“Laughter is also important to having a good psychology and that makes it possible to stay sociable and fit in.

“A good social network of friends is vital.

“Eating healthy food and drinking moderately are a must.

“We age over the entire period of our lives but people who suffer from poverty, age faster.”

A diet of too much red meat and not enough fruit and veg could increase your body’s “biological age” and contribute to health problems, his research shows.

That is driven by a moderate increase in serum phosphate levels caused by eating red meat.

That, combined with a poor overall diet, increases the miles

on the clock in contrast to chronologi­cal age.

His study looked at those living in the poorest areas of Glasgow and showed men suffered most.

Ke e p i n g your balance is a measure for longevity, say scientists.

Researcher­s at Kyoto University in Japan asked 1,300 volunteers aged 67 to stand on one leg with their eyes open and balance for 20 seconds.

The American Heart Associatio­n says that 30% of those who had trouble balancing had small vessel brain disease, minute haemorrhag­es, or both.

Falling can also cause hip fractures and ser ious head injuries, shortening lives.

Worryingly, around 30% of people aged 65 are injured in fall.

Age Scotland says that 43% of middle- aged Scots believe they will not have enough money to retire.

It adds that a third hope to work

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