The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Who watches our grandson?


Dear June

Our firstborn grandchild was stillborn.

He looked so perfect and we were devastated.

My daughter went on to have another son two years later. He is nine now and a lovely boy.

For years he has talked about a boy who visits him at night. Could this be his brother?

Gwen, by email.

June Says

Children are very open to spirit and accept many things without question.

As adults, we question everything and look for logical explanatio­ns for any occurrence­s we don’t understand.

Your firstborn grandson will be safe on spirit side and will have a strong connection to his brother.

This will remain throughout his life.

The spirit brother will watch over him and visit him regularly.

This is common for anyone who has lost a sibling, but when a child is young and open, he will readily accept what he sees without the need for logic or question.

A visit from his brother is a normal occurrence for him and he doesn’t understand at this young age that it doesn’t openly happen to everyone.

I get the strong sense your grandson is left-handed.

Left-handed people are much more in tune and aware of spirit. I myself am left-handed.

As he grows older, he’ll become less aware of his brother but their connection can’t be broken and his brother will always remain close, supporting him through the ups and downs that life brings.

Dear June

I am 72 and have always kept well but, after the loss of my husband three years ago, my health has deteriorat­ed rapidly.

He was much older than me but we enjoyed country walks together until a few months before his death.

We never had any family so I feel alone without him.

It would settle me

somewhat to know he will be waiting for me when it’s time for me to go.

Eileen, Sutherland.

June Says

It can be difficult for the individual left behind following the death of their lifelong partner.

The devastatio­n of losing someone you shared your life with can also temporaril­y affect you, physically.

As I read your letter I was aware of a man who I sensed to be gentle and caring and I got the impression of a much younger man at heart.

In all your years together, he never let you down.

The love and loyalty he feels towards you will ensure his will be the first smiling face you see when your time comes to join him on spirit side.

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