The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Fit for life


I loved Judy Murray’s column (Old at 60? I don’t feel it, Sunday Post, November 24).

Originally from Dunfermlin­e, I retired at 65, three years ago.

I cycle with a women’s group, enjoy aerobics classes, go to the gym, and swim. I feel fitter than I was 20 years ago.

My maxim is that old age is 10 years older than I am at any given age.

My mum is nearly 87, broke her hip a few months ago and hated using a stick as it made her feel old.

We get The Sunday Post every week. I’m still waiting to win the cryptic crossword!

Dacia Kelly, Plymouth

It is so sad that 99-year-old Tom Gilzean, the war veteran and fundraiser, has passed away.

He deserved every accolade going for being out and about in all weathers raising money. It was very fitting that there’s an Oor Wullie statue in his image.

In recognitio­n of his achievemen­ts it would be wonderful if the person who bought the statue would now generously donate it back to Edinburgh.

It could be turned into an “Oor Tam’s Giving Box” with a plaque explaining its origin on Princes Street.

Margaret Cramb, Dunfermlin­e

While out driving I was behind what turned out to be a man on an electric bike speeding along and keeping up with traffic. I was impressed until he turned off and rode along the paths and pavements in a housing estate.

These e-bikes can travel at 18mph and should only be on the roads. Shared pedestrian and cycling paths would become dangerous unless e-bikes are banned from them.

The police do nothing about the ordinary cyclist who cycles on the pavement so I do not suppose they will do anything about the e-bike until there is a death or serious injury.

Clark Cross, Linlithgow

I was upset, but not surprised, to read that the number of children growing up in poverty in UK working households has increased by 800,000 since 2010.

Apparently, child poverty rose to

2.9 million last year, an increase of 38% since the start of the decade.

I wonder how many children are in poverty because their families have had benefits stopped and have to rely on local foodbanks?

Money spent on election campaigns could be better spent on helping these children and their families. Let us spare a thought for all those poor children.

Sheila Richards, Melrose

I read about scientists finding the perfect cure for a hangover, pear juice, lime juice and coconut water.

Sounds OK but I think I’ll stick with a roll and square sausage and a bottle of cold Limeade.

B Welch, by email

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