The Sunday Post (Dundee)

The day I... learned I could talk to angels

- As told to Tracey Bryce

I became interested in spirits after watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer

My childhood wasn’t exactly what you would describe as normal. When I was just four years old, I was diagnosed with Guillain-barre Syndrome.

It’s an auto-immune condition that left me paralysed from the waist down.

At the same time, my gran had lymphoma cancer. We were both in wheelchair­s and, because of that, formed a very strong bond.

But as my health improved, hers deteriorat­ed. I learned to walk again but my gran was moved to a hospital.

One night, I remember my gran coming into the room and tickling my back. She did that a lot as it was one of the few things I could feel.

The next morning I woke up thinking she was back home but when I went to look for her, she wasn’t there. Then my mum explained she had passed away the night before.

That was my first spiritual experience and it’s something that has stayed with me.

Growing up, I realised I had the ability to hear, feel and see what goes beyond the natural senses, which led me to discover the presence of angels and the power of positive energy in my teens.

I struggled at school and left when I was 15. I got a job in a hairdresse­rs sweeping up hair. It was around then I realised my connection with the angels.

I had always been interested in the unknown and first became interested in the spiritual world after watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

I started off with crystals – and then one day a family friend read my angel cards. Afterwards she gave me my own angel cards and I began reading all the books on them.

The things I had experience­d growing up started to make sense.

I had been suffering from daily migraines and one day, I said a prayer to the angels asking them to stop my headaches – and they just stopped.

After that all I could see were angels. In fact, I had to train myself to shut my mind off to them.

I soon realised the angels were sending messages to me for others to hear. Like the time I was giving a reading to a man and the song Survivor was ringing in my head. He said to stop right there. I later learned he had tried to take his own life.

People who were sceptical would ask about it, and then seem quite surprised when I told them something quite pertinent to their lives.

The following year, I won a Scottish Enterprise grant and set up a business.

There are plenty sceptics, but I know angels are real. For thousands of years these divine beings have been making their presence known. Angels have messages for us from the divine that can help us on our life journey.

You have one or more guardian angels with you at all times, whose purpose it is to help you find your destiny. They want you to feel safe, guided and guarded. They’ll send nd you messages, like a white feather er appearing from nowhere, but tthey also send messages in numbers too. My latest book explores this. In this day and age, our understand­ing of the cosmos and how the Earth is moving through it is all calculated using numbers, so it’s no wonder that angels are using them to send messages to us from the heavens.

For example, there’s a good chance you have seen number sequences appearing time and time again in your life – on license plates, purchase receipts, flight numbers and, of course, your phone – and these aren’t just numbers, they’re angel messages and calls to action.

Christmas is often a time when the angels come to mind, most likely because of their connection to the nativity story, when an angel announced this would be a special time.

Even if we don’t consider ourselves spiritual or religious, we’ll often find an angel at the top of our Christmas tree or find ourselves dressing up children for the Christmas play at school.

If you find yourself considerin­g the possibilit­y of the existence of angels this Christmas, maybe it’s the intuition that you are not alone – a subtle message that you are loved.

It doesn’t matter if your ideas of angels is different to the norm, what’s important is that you remember the force of love and protection that is nothing more than a thought away.

I was recently in a shop in New York and a man came up to me and said I had changed his life. I later learned he had been an addict and someone had given him one of my books and it had helped him.

Moments like that make me realise I’m doing what I was meant to do.

I feel grateful and blessed and I never gave up on the dream. Now I’m living a good life and I see the bigger picture – and the angels have helped me get here.

Angel Numbers by Kyle Gray is out now

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Kyle Gray, 31, angel medium, Glasgow

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