The Sunday Post (Dundee)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-patrick


You could be reflecting carefully on your way ahead for much of the week and weighing up your options. But from the weekend you could be steaming ahead, trying to convince others your ideas are right. Unless you’re looking for a fight, it’s best not to go overboard.


Doing something outside your normal routine tomorrow could bring insights. Thursday is excellent for getting down to some long-range planning. From Saturday much of your energy will be focussed on partners and those you may not see eye to eye with.


An honest assessment of your lifestyle should let you see if you’re paying enough attention to staying fit. It’s best not to beat about the bush with someone close this week. If you’ll both say what you need to clearly and honestly, it should improve relations all round.


For such a diplomatic sign you can be quite a stirrer! You could be tempted to light the touchpaper and stand well back this week, letting others take the blame. Family matters could preoccupy you now but take time to switch off and enjoy some down time for yourself.


You could have been feeling that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, especially when it comes to finance and self-esteem. Don’t let it get you down. Feisty Mars gallops into your sign on Friday bringing renewed energy and the urge to go after what you want.


There’s a lot going on for you beneath the surface and you could be more serious and thoughtful than usual. Don’t torture yourself with self-criticism – others see and appreciate your good points now and so should you. From Friday your load could start to lighten.


Trying to see the viewpoint of somebody you’ve found a bit difficult recently could pay off this week. It might be hard at first, but something you read or watch on TV could show you what life’s like for them. Your popularity should be climbing now in your work or community.


Mercury moves into your relationsh­ip area today, helping you voice any concerns as well as the gratitude you’ve been feeling recently with those closest to you. Friends could help get you out of a rut and raise your hopes and your spirits midweek.


Inspiratio­n comes from all around now about how to express your creativity. Active Mars moves into your home and family sector on Friday bringing energy and enthusiasm to put your house in order and you should find it easy to drum up support for your plans.


A conversati­on as the week begins could trigger off a train of unusual ideas that may turn out to be much more practical than you think. There should be plenty of opportunit­ies for good cheer and sharing on the home front this week if you’ll take time to notice them.


Mercury moving into Capricorn today helps you present your business-like talents to your advantage. From the weekend pay close attention to any flashes of intuition you have over the next few weeks, as they will show you how to move out of a seemingly stuck situation.


One of your gifts is an active imaginatio­n, but sometimes you let it run away with you. This week, instead of enjoying scaring yourself with worst-case scenarios, conjure up images of increasing peace and security. Then find creative ways to make this real.

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