The Sunday Post (Dundee)

...and don’t leave dinner late


Sight is our most dominant sense – so it’s important to protect your eyes.

“There’s no rhyme or reason as to whether people become short or long sighted, or need glasses…it’s just something that happens,” said Willis.

“Some people’s eyes are stronger than others. And your eyes tend to weaken as you get older. But lifestyle choices can help protect the eyes.”

Take note of Willis’s tips here...

Go for eye tests

People should have their eyes tested every two years until they turn 60, then every year after that, unless you have a condition that needs to be checked more regularly.

You’re more likely to experience eye problems as you get older.

Eye tests are free on the NHS in Scotland.

Eat healthily

Eye health goes hand in hand with general health but nutrients are particular­ly good for the eyes, especially antioxidan­ts.

Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins which can deter macular degenerati­on, and look into taking supplement­s, specifical­ly for the eyes.

Stay in the shade

eye and, possibly, macularm degenerati­on.

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Eating late in the evening could be bad news for your heart because the digestive system is less efficient at night, experts have claimed.

It’s all down to our circadian rhythms. These 24-hour cycles govern everything from when we feel sleepy to when our immune cells are most active, enabling our bodies to prepare for regular events – including the arrival of food.

And our digestive system is no exception.

So stick to good old traditiona­l mealtimes, it’s better for your health, and your heart.

 ??  ?? Make sure your sunglasses have UV protection.
UV radiation from the sun can damage not only the skin of your eyelid but also the cornea, lens and other parts of the eye.
UV exposure also contribute­s to the developmen­t of certain types of cataracts, growths on the
There’s no c oncrete evidence butt it has been suggestted that smoking can affecta the eyesight.
It is thoughtt impact on the macular degeenerat­ion. Apparently­y, four times mmore to experienc mokee.
Make sure your sunglasses have UV protection. UV radiation from the sun can damage not only the skin of your eyelid but also the cornea, lens and other parts of the eye. UV exposure also contribute­s to the developmen­t of certain types of cataracts, growths on the There’s no c oncrete evidence butt it has been suggestted that smoking can affecta the eyesight. It is thoughtt impact on the macular degeenerat­ion. Apparently­y, four times mmore to experienc mokee.
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