The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Parents influence their kids so we have been trying to stay calm


Edinburgh, where they are making the most of their time in lockdown

Kristina Currie and husband Graham live in Edinburgh with seven-year-old Clemence.

Although the couple have worked hard to ensure their daughter feels happy, safe and secure during lockdown, Kristina admits it has been difficult to be separated from friends and family – especially as Clemence celebrated her seventh birthday at home.

“Her birthday probably caused her the most stress of anything that’s happened – she was just so concerned it wouldn’t feel like a birthday because it was in lockdown,” explained Kristina, who runs children’s store Bon Tot in Stockbridg­e, Edinburgh.

“But it turned out to be one of the best days of her life.

“A lot of people stopped by our gate, dropped off cards and little gifts, and we decorated her wagon to take a little parade on the prom at the beach.

“It just felt extra special because of lockdown.”

Clemence often spends lots of time with her grandparen­ts, so Kristina was initially worried about the impact of keeping them apart.

She said: “The only major issue has been not knowing when she can see her friends or grandparen­ts again.

“She had what she described as a ‘major meltdown’, where she howled and cried from her gut because she couldn’t see them.

“She told me she was sad because she couldn’t hug them – that physical absence really hit about two weeks ago.

“Our response was to make sure she has lots of cuddles and as much time as she needs, filling the space with family love.”

Kristina added: “I think, as a family, we are possibly bucking the trend and thriving in lockdown.

“We consciousl­y decided to make it a very positive experience, accepting the situation straight away, not fighting against it, which has absolutely had an effect on Clemence.

“I definitely think the way parents respond affects children, so we’ve both been very mindful of remaining calm.”

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