The Sunday Post (Dundee)

The Doc Replies

Our expert answers your medical questions


I’ve heard damp and mould in the home cause ill health. What are the effects?

Damp and mould affect the immune system and can be a problem for people having chemothera­py. It can also cause skin problems like eczema, though is more likely to be a worry for the elderly or babies and young children.

Mould produces allergens that can lead to an allergic reaction, but also irritants that can annoy the skin.

Spores can be a problem because they can be breathed in, leading to a runny nose, sneezing and an increase in asthma attacks.

You need to tackle any moisture in the property – rising damp, rain ingress, condensati­on.

Try not to dry washing inside, and put lids on boiling saucepans. Keep the house properly insulated and heated, and make sure it is ventilated.

You also need to get rid of the mould and it might be wise to seek the help of a profession­al.

If you have symptoms that are making you unwell see your doctor and mention that you have problems with mould at home.

Can reheating rice cause food poisoning?

Reheating rice can cause a form of food poisoning due to the Bacillus cereus bacteria.

It is usually fairly mild. After eating, you would usually suffer vomiting and diarrhoea every few hours, which would last about a day.

The way the rice is stored is the problem.

Some of the spores on uncooked rice can survive after cooking and then, if you leave the rice standing at room temperatur­e, the spores can develop into bacteria and produce toxins.

The important thing is to serve rice quickly once it’s cooked, or chill it as soon as possible.

I am a 54-year-old woman and am experienci­ng a burning sensation when I urinate. What is wrong with me?

This is probably a urine infection and sounds like cystitis.

You should see your doctor or pharmacist, who may prescribe an antibiotic.

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