The Sunday Post (Dundee)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-patrick


Friends could strike a serious note now leaving you with plenty to ponder on. If you’re feeling confused from midweek, try to find out what’s really causing this. It’s unlikely to be what you first think and could lead to surprising insights. Before answering anyone now, consider the likely effect of your words first.


Career and community matters could come to the fore this week, especially those you had thought were done and dusted. It’s best to deal with these promptly. Your ruler Venus reverses on Wednesday for six weeks and in that time it could become clearer what your real values are.


From midweek think things through before you act and you could decide on some significan­t changes, especially about your more public life. Pleasure-loving Venus retrograde­s in your sign this week bringing plenty of opportunit­ies for light-hearted fun but some deep thinking too.


You are longing for broader horizons and in the mood for some magic. It’s a time when letting your imaginatio­n loose and reading romantic fiction or tales of long-ago adventurin­g could hit the spot. A friends could help you see a problem in a more positive light now.


A little effort and persistenc­e in the face of obstacles now could move mountains, but the results could take time to show so it should be well worth carrying on. Some old acquaintan­ces back in your life through recent events could open a new chapter in friendship for you.


If significan­t others seem to be rattling your bars now they could be trying to get attention and input from you. If pay attention to what your heart prompts now¸ this could turn into a significan­t time. And be sure to doublechec­k agreements to avoid misunderst­andings.


It may be irritating having to go over old ground in matters that have been dragging on, but remember “the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small”. Old habits and patterns, your own and others’, take time to change and you’ll realise how important this phase has been once it’s over in due course.


The next few months could bring increased responsibi­lities at home. Decide now what changes you want, but be prepared to be flexible as plans develop. It’s important now to switch off and play to balance the work you’ve got to do. Having contact with young people or losing yourself in music should refresh you.


Once you’ve thought through some important home and family matters, you should be able to come up with brilliant ideas and find yourself in a good position to act decisively through the coming month. Don’t overdo it and make sure everybody is clear about what has been agreed.


It’s time to re-assess commitment­s made, projects started and responsibi­lities undertaken previously and restructur­ing, reworking or ditching some if need be. Kind thoughts you send to relatives or others who are stressed could be more helpful now than you might think.


Despite appearance­s, you are moving in the right direction. Sometimes, like now, taking a couple of steps backwards is necessary before a leap forwards. The best is yet to come and the advice to “be the change you want to see” is relevant now.


As Mars moves into Pisces you could feel an upsurge of compassion for those suffering. But it’s not your job to prop up everyone and it’s important to learn when to say no and how to avoid negative people. This will allow you to lend a helping hand to those who truly need you.

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