The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Eateries still busy despite a positive test in Giffnock


Bars and restaurant­s in a Glasgow suburb were busy yesterday despite a brasserie remaining closed after a positive Covid test.

Ca-va in Giffnock closed for a deep clean on Friday and customers were told to watch for symptoms.

Staff at restaurant­s and bars nearby insisted they were unaffected and NHS contact tracers have not yet asked for customers’ details.

However, a worker at Italian restaurant Andiamo, which is next door to Ca-va, warned that diners in the neighbourh­ood, recently named the best place to live in Scotland, often move between establishm­ents.

The member of staff, who asked not to be named, said: “Customers go in and out of both restaurant­s. It’s so busy here, especially with the Eat Out To Help Out scheme.”

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “All necessary investigat­ions have taken place, with relevant settings being... made aware of the situation.”

The number of cases linked to a cluster in Aberdeen yesterday rose to 204, as it emerged that only one pub has been contacted for its customer list. Meanwhile, the number of close contacts rose to 1,044.

NHS Grampian said it had traced more than 1,000 contacts in an “extremely thorough” investigat­ion. The Scottish Government said the health secretary has confidence in the probe.

Official figures released yesterday show a further 51 people tested positive for Covid-19. No one confirmed as having the virus has died since July 15.

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