The Sunday Post (Dundee)

It has been four months since landscape gardener Marion Preez caught Covid


and she is still suffering from the symptoms.

Marion, 41, first contracted the virus on April 7. She said: “Initial symptoms included feeling like I was breathing in icy air, migraines, and light sensitivit­y.

“Blood tests taken by my GP revealed nothing, but this is a new virus and the symptoms are many and complex.”

She has since developed protracted exhaustion and spasms which recur, often after days of feeling well.

Attempts to get treatment have been a struggle, she revealed. “When I first phoned the NHS advice line they couldn’t help,” said mum- oftwo Marion.

“I then heard the Scottish Government say help would be available but when I contacted my own GP and a friend who is a GP, they both told me that they have not been informed of any recovery programmes.”

When Marion first contracted coronaviru­s she experience­d sensitivit­y to light. This was followed, for two or three months, by moderate but noticeable breathing difficulti­es.

“I continued to work as a landscape gardener because I have my own business. When I don’t work, I don’t earn.

“In June I developed muscle spasms which affected the whole of my body. At times I couldn’t pour a glass of water without struggling to control the action. I felt so exhausted.

“The spasms eased off and on for a few days as the intensity seemed to lessen.

“My GP did blood tests, including one for my liver to see if it had been affected, but the results have been normal.

“I can only assume that medical science is dealing with something entirely new with Covid’s after-effects.”

Marion was offered an online consultati­on with a physio, but they called so early in the morning that she was still asleep, trying to recover f rom the p re v i o u s d a y ’s exhaustion.

“Sleep disturbanc­e seems to be common among longhaul Covid people, like me,” said Marion, who stays in Ed i n b u rg h . “I am doing everything possible to recover, including meditation, but that’s not easy when you have children – mine are 10 and 12. It must be hugely exhausting to be recovering with younger children who need to be watched every moment of the day. My husband got a chest X- ray but again, we had to push for this.

“I feel our story is similar to many struggling to recovery for months after Covid.

“I have gone from someone who loves cycling, swimming and camping to a person who can barely carry out a normal day without being floored by tiredness. When I walked uphill today I felt fatigued.

“Like any mum, I want to spend summer out and about with my children but we have lost months to Covid-19.”

Marion added: “I have tried to find out if this is happening in my native Germany, but the Covid rate was so much lower in Scotland than the rest of the UK, that it’s difficult.

“My parents would have come over to help us with the children, but it’s not safe.

“I really need to get back to work to keep my business buoyant, but it’s happening so slowly. The priority is returning to good health.

“I have gone from being very healthy to floored by long Covid.”

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Gardener Marion Preez, a long-haul Covid patient

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