The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Expert help for our locked down, barking-mad pets

- By Krissy Storrar

The stress of lockdown has taken its toll on Scotland’s four-legged friends as demand for help from pet behaviour specialist­s has never been higher.

Desperate dog owners have called on experts to help iron out problems including biting, barking and frustratio­n at being on the lead.

Cats have also become stressed out at changes to their routine and owners have needed advice on them scratching furniture, overgroomi­ng or not using their litter tray.

Some behaviouri­sts and trainers report a doubling in demand for their expertise while welfare organisati­ons are also braced for a surge in the number of pets being given up for rehoming, sold online or abandoned if their owners cannot manage them.

Jill O’sullivan, who runs Busy Bee Dog Training in Glasgow, has already encountere­d owners so upset at their puppy’s behaviour that they are on the verge of giving them up.

She said: “The problem I see is that people’s motivation for getting a dog has changed and the type of dogs they’re choosing doesn’t necessaril­y fit with that.

“I’m seeing lots of people who have picked dogs who are good companions for children, who look cute and are Instagramm­able, and instead what they’re getting are these very intelligen­t dogs who may have been bred a bit thoughtles­sly and are now biting children, really destructiv­e and difficult to be around.

“People are not necessaril­y prepared for how much work and effort they need. I’ve also seen a big increase in

People are not always ready for the amount of work that a pup is

the number of dogs who are anxious about people out on walks, so barking, showing fearful behaviour or their recall is not as good.”

The price of puppies soared during lockdown as people spent more time at home and decided to get a pet, sometimes as a first-time owner. Only around 25% consult a profession­al for help with training their puppy, with the remainder either seeking no advice or finding it from often ill- informed sources online. Lockdown saved puppies from getting overwhelme­d by too much contact with people and other dogs, but many were not yet accustomed to being handled by strangers. Owners who introduced time away from their dog should avoid separation problems if they are returning to working outside the home. But adult dogs have suffered more frustratio­n at being on the lead, and new aggression between dogs in the same household has increased as they vied for their owner’s attention.

Dogs of all ages have also struggled with problems associated with too much interactio­n with their families, impacting the amount of rest they are getting. Lack of sleep and craving attention can also trigger biting or problem barking, particular­ly among puppies.

Accredited behaviouri­st Carrie Harrold, who runs Callimuir Canines in Aberdeen, said: “I’ve been queued out the door with adolescent and adult dogs with frustratio­n. We’re getting behaviours like barking, lunging and pulling on the lead because these dogs are not coping with the change in not being able to speak to everybody.

“Another very common email I’ll get is complainin­g about excessive or aggressive biting in puppies.

“Usually it’s down to not meeting the puppy’s needs. It’s not getting enough sleep or sometimes there’s just too much going on in the household or we might be responding to biting in the wrong way by squealing or waving our arms around.”

Behavioura­l problems are also not exclusive to dogs. Cats are struggling, too. Kim Houston, a certified behaviouri­st who runs CAT- astrophes in South Ayrshire, said many cats have enjoyed getting extra fuss and treats while others have become stressed and anxious.

She said: “I have received countless calls from owners during lockdown who have noticed marked changes, such as toileting outside the litter tray, scratching furniture and overgroomi­ng.”

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