The Sunday Post (Dundee)


Find out what changes and challenges are heading your way as our top astrologer reveals your week in the stars

- With Jane Ridder-patrick


To be successful, you need to be willing to really listen to what others are saying and to keep your ears open for ideas that are worth following up. You should be able to make an important decision that you’ve been swithering about before the week is out if you’ll stay realistic.


Communicat­ions may need some careful handling now. Sticking to the facts, as well as to the point, rather than trying to juggle options, will get folks’ attention. Don’t be tempted to cut corners or rush through tasks. If something is broken, fix it as a stitch in time saves nine.


Relationsh­ips could take an interestin­g turn this week, promising to bring both pleasure and increased security provided you’ll plan long-term, stick to the facts and don’t make promises you can’t keep. Unexpected events midweek could eventually have a positive knock-on effect on your leisure time activities.


It’s an excellent time to plan home improvemen­ts. But think hard before you make any final decisions this week and be sure to consult with everyone who might want to become involved. For best results and lasting satisfacti­on, combine beauty and comfort with efficiency.


Take a balanced, practical view of the workload you’ve been piling up over the years and identify those parts that are essential and those that bring your pleasure. Then let go of the rest. Simplicity is what’s called for, allowing you to be healthier, happier and more efficient.


You could realise what steps you need to take next to resolve a financial or a self-esteem issue you’ve been wrestling with for some time. Discussion­s from midweek should be constructi­ve and agreements you make may have long-term positive effects so attend well to the details.


With Venus in Libra you should be feeling more optimistic than you have for a while. It’s time to give thought to a home project and budgeting for luxuries is important as splashing out carelessly may lead to future regrets. Cautious and practical long-term planning pays off now.


Your intuition is your best friend this week and it can help you keep track of the subtle and not so subtle twists and turns that communicat­ions take now, and let you know when it’s time to speak up and when to hold back. Outstandin­g tasks could benefit from some extra energy now.


Your friendship­s could take up time and energy until the middle of next week, but offer plenty of light moments too. Think carefully before making promises, as you’re likely to be held to them now so it’s best to work out realistic deals that will work for everybody.


There are opportunit­ies now to negotiate constructi­ve changes at work or in your community but don’t worry if there are a few challenges to your ideas. By slowing down and looking at the situation fairly and squarely you could then come up with much better ways of moving forward.


You may not be in the mood to compromise, but it’s best if you do. Working with those who have different approaches should bring results you’ll be happy with in the long run. Better understand­ing could come later in the week bringing opportunit­ies to find some common ground.


A secret may be revealed around midweek. If it’s personal about someone you know it’s best to be discreet with whatever has come to light as you could regret any gossip later. Being frank with a friend about your real needs is the best policy now, provided you do it with kindness.

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