The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Real-life issues and medical advice

A few small adjustment­s to your diet are all you need to cut back


After the decadence of the festive period – and, well, lockdown – many people will have started January with the intention to get fitter, healthier and perhaps even slim down a few dress sizes.

From Atkins and Keto to juicing and intermitte­nt fasting, there’s an endless list of diets and meal plans to follow, each promising better results than the last. But what if you could eat all the dishes you love and still drop pounds? According to Aberdeen-based nutrition coach, Graeme Tomlinson, burgers, pasta, noodles and takeaways don’t need to be taken off the menu.

Known as The Fitness Chef to his more than 800,000 Instagram followers, Graeme has made it his mission to debunk the many myths surroundin­g nutrition and diet culture, showing fans how to enjoy food while maintainin­g a healthy weight.

The aim, he says, is simple – find clever ways to reduce the calorie content of meals, without cutting out entire food groups such as bread, potatoes and pasta, which are often off limits on stricter eating regimes.

“If your goal is weight loss, no matter what diet you choose – and there are so many out there – it all comes down to a calorie deficit,” explained Graeme, 33, who started his online community in 2018.

“The evidence suggests that no matter what you’re doing, you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. So, with diets like Keto, Atkins, Paleo, intermitte­nt fasting, or even going to Slimming World every week, people can potentiall­y succeed on them but only with a calorie deficit.

“But a lot of these diets cut out food groups, demonise certain foods and instruct people to eat a certain way, which might not be conducive to an enjoyable lifestyle. A better approach is to allow people the kind of freedom to keep eating what they want but just be a little more educated about the food that they’re eating, really.”

Graeme say his no-nonsense approach, which focuses on swaps rather than omissions, is more sustainabl­e than following a traditiona­l diet as it’s not a quick fix – it’s a new way of cooking, eating and enjoying food.

He continued:“in the last 20 or 30 years there’s just been one diet after another. Some people may enjoy the Keto diet, for example, and carry on with it. But for those that struggle with fad diets, my method provides an opportunit­y for people to realise they don’t need them. You can keep eating pizzas and burgers and lasagne by being a little bit smarter about what’s in the dish.”

So, how do we keeping eating macaroni cheese and pizza while losing weight?

In his book, Still Tasty – Reduced-calorie Versions Of 100 Absolute Favourite Meals, Graeme shares tips, easy swaps and simple recipes that turn low-cal meals from bland and boring to full of flavour.

Graeme said:“for people who don’t really know why they can’t lose weight or why they keep putting weight on, understand­ing the calorie values of foods is a really good education. Over time, all the little tiny tweaks I

share, which still allow you to eat the food you enjoy, will help you achieve your goals and eat a little bit better.

“The concept is to tell people they can still eat all their favourite foods but here are 100 examples of how you can do that and reduce the calories. You can still have pasta, rice, sugar and cream. You don’t have to turn your diet upside down, you just need to make a few little tweaks here and there and, over time you’re, you can see some results.”

He added with a laugh: “My plan is essentiall­y quite boring compared to a ‘brand new diet’, which feels a little like getting a brand new car doesn’t it? My method is like getting a little service on your car.”

From reducing oil content to using lower-fat alternativ­e ingredient­s, Graeme’s recipes rely on simple yet effective swaps, which still taste fantastic.

“A lot of the swaps are really easy to understand,” explained Graeme, who also penned the best-selling manual, Eat What You Like And Lose Weight For Life, released in 2019.“It’s about doing things like using less olive oil, opting for reduced fat cuts of meat or swapping in reduced fat cheese.

“In the new book, a few of my favourite dishes are the fish tacos, pancakes with maple syrup and bacon, gnocchi, lasagne and tortilla pizzas because they’re all so easy to make. Oh and the four or five burgers in there, too!

“You wouldn’t think you would be able to eat those dishes and lose weight – but you can.”

Still Tasty – Reduced-calorie Versions Of 100 Absolute Favourite Meals, Ebury, £16.99, is out now

 ??  ?? Burgers with a twist are back on the menu
Burgers with a twist are back on the menu
 ??  ?? Graeme Tomlinson
Graeme Tomlinson
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