The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Here’s to a Mother’s Day filled with hope and optimism


Last year’s Mother’s Day fell on the eve of the UK going into its first lockdown. I remember it was a fresh, sunny, and very strange day. With the usual lunches and afternoon teas cancelled and meeting indoors banned, the enormity of social distancing was beginning to hit home.

I placed a bunch of tulips and a card on my mum’s doorstep, rang the bell, and waited at the bottom of her steps for her to answer. We put on a brave face, as we talked across the two-metre chasm, laughing at how surreal it all was.

There was a definite feeling of foreboding in the air. No one knew exactly what was ahead of us or when the pandemic would end.

A year later and we are spending Mother’s Day in full lockdown but this time I’m feeling hopeful. Thanks to the wonders of science, my parents have had their first dose of the vaccine and it feels like we are on the way back to normality. We have all become adept to change and I’m sure we will find a way to make today special. For many that will involve meeting mum outdoors, so in this week’s travel (pages 22&23) we have rounded up some of the prettiest walks from around the country.

We are lucky enough to have Loch Lomond Country Park on our doorstep. It has provided a sanctuary from the strains of living under lockdown and there’s nowhere more beautiful in springtime. So I’ll be meeting my mum at the gates and, as we have done many times over the past year, we’ll walk to the walled garden and share a socially distanced cup of tea. Only this time we’ll be able to make plans for when this is all finally over.

Happy Mother’s Day from everyone at P.S.! EDITOR, JAY NE SAVVA JSAVVA@DCTMEDIA.CO.UK

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