The Sunday Post (Dundee)

Discover how to take the heat out of stress...and learn to chill


During these stressful times, it’s important to take time out to relax. Lorna Veale, founder of luxury vegan bath and body brand No Secrets Beauty, tells us about the art of relaxation – and how to do it best.

It’s a date

“Relaxation is as important as a good diet and regular exercise and is perhaps the one thing we push aside or don’t give ourselves permission to do,” Lorna said.

Unlike exercise, relaxation isn’t something we tend to schedule.

“Although it seems odd to diarise relaxation, perhaps it is something we should do!” Lorna explained.“in addition to helping reduce feelings of stress in both body and mind, relaxation can improve other elements of your wellbeing. For example, it can help improve your coping mechanisms and build resilience to life’s challenges, as well as help you sleep better!”

How to chill

But how do we know what’s right for us? Lorna says how we choose to relax will be personal.

“Select something that is absorbing and takes your mind away from thoughts of work or home life,” she said.“try reading a book or magazine, taking a walk in nature, taking up a new hobby. Why not try just stepping away from tech, sitting and looking out of a window for 10 minutes a

day? Watching the clouds and the sky, while observing your breathing slowing down, would be an excellent place to start.”

Let spas inspire you

A simple and achieveabl­e option might be just to switch from a quick shower to a long, relaxing bath once a week.

“There is nothing like that feeling of sinking into a hot bath, when you can feel your body and brain begin to relax.

“Take inspiratio­n from spa retreats. Reserve a special candle, curate a playlist, choose a book or magazine that sets the right tone and leave your phone out of ear shot.

“Don’t go for bubble bath, which often contains synthetic foaming agents that can wreak havoc with the skin. Invest in indulgent, natural bath treats that will nurture your skin and wellbeing.choose products scented with essential oils which work hard to balance, restore and relax you. Bath salts containing magnesium will be absorbed through skin and physically relax your muscles, while plant-based bath oils will moisturise your skin.

“Scent has a powerful effect on the memory. It can take you back to a place you haven’t been to for years. If you commit to the same scent on your home spa nights, your brain will link it to the feeling of relaxation,” Lorna said.

Visit nosecretsb­ for more tips.

As told to Tracey Bryce

 ??  ?? ● Sinking into a warm bath soothes the brain and body
● Sinking into a warm bath soothes the brain and body

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