The Sunday Post (Dundee)

I was in prison 11 times. I didn’t want that life but didn’t know how to stop myself


Alexander is 22 and has been sent to Polmont Young Offenders Institutio­n seven times and Addiewell Prison four times for violence and assault.

He said: “My dad was in and out of prison. He preferred drugs to being a dad. My mum remarried when I was 11. My stepfather soon began sexually abusing me and battering me.

“I told mum what he’d done, but she chose to stay with him. I was shattered. If couldn’t trust my own mum, who could I trust?”

He was taken in by his grandmothe­r but at 14 was sent to a secure unit for six weeks after setting fire to a field.

He said: “I don’t even know why I set the field on fire and nobody bothered asking me. When I got out, I started taking street valium. I broke gran’s heart but she was always there for me.

“I ended up in prison 11 times, all for stupid things. I seemed to get the same sheriff who kept locking me up.”

Meeting lawyer Iain Smith was a watershed.

“I met him when I was being held at a police station after I’d been arrested,” said Alexander.

“He started chatting, and at first I wasn’t sure if he really was a lawyer because it was the first time anyone had ever asked questions about me. Since then, I’ve stayed out of trouble apart from one time.

“I felt like I’d let him down. But he didn’t shout or get angry. He just told me I was letting myself down.

“I’m now getting help to apply to go to college to learn bricklayin­g. For the first time I feel in control of my life. I know my past behaviour will be a problem. But I hope I get a second chance.

“I hope the new sentencing rules will help other young people in trouble with police. I didn’t want to be living that life but couldn’t stop it.”

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