The Sunday Post (Inverness)

May urged to respect Scots’ Euro vision

SNP warning as PM stands her ground

- By Rachel Wearmouth

THERESA May must respect Scotland’s “triple mandate” to keep its place in Europe, a senior SNP figure has claimed ahead of a high-level meeting in London.

Brexit Minister Mike Russell fired the shot across the bows as Nicola Sturgeon prepared to head to Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister at the Joint Ministeria­l Committee ( JMC).

Mr Russell said Scotland must be treated as an “equal partner” in Brexit negotiatio­ns as he underlined Scotland’s 62% Remain vote and the SNP’s victories in Holyrood and the House of Commons.

But the PM said tomorrow’s JMC meeting should mark the start of a “grown- up relationsh­ip” between UK leaders.

She added: “As we move into this new chapter, we must seize the opportunit­ies ahead, as we will achieve far more together than we could ever do apart.

“I want Monday’s meeting to be the start of a new grown- up relationsh­ip between the devolved administra­tions and the UK Government – one in which we all work together to forge the future for everyone in the United Kingdom.”

According to Mr Russell, the Prime Minister had “set the clock ticking” by announcing Article 50 would be triggered before the end of March. Scots, he said, should be offered a choice between hard Brexit – taking the country out of the single market – and independen­ce.

He said: “The UK Government needs to understand there is a triple mandate to maintain Scotland’s relationsh­ip with, and place in, Europe.

“The clearly- expressed views of the people of Scotland, the democratic­allyelecte­d Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament all need to be respected.”

He added: “We will continue to pursue all options to protect Scotland’s interests, including working with other devolved administra­tions and other parties to drive the UK away from the cliff edge of a hard Brexit and putting forward our own proposals for a different approach for Scotland within the UK.”

Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale has written to the FM calling on her work with other devolved administra­tions. She said: “As the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon is negotiatin­g on behalf of people throughout Scotland.

“That should be at the forefront of her mind th r o u g h o ut the Brexit negotiatio­ns.”

Scottish Tories’ deputy leader Jackson Carlaw added: “The people of Scotland want to see Nicola Sturgeon working with the other three government­s to secure the best possible deal.

“Brexit has happened, now it’s up to elected politician­s to make it work.

“But many suspect the First Minister will see this as another opportunit­y to stoke up division in the hope of bringing her separation fantasy one step closer.”

Others believe the First Minister should use the process to wrest more powers from Westminste­r and Brussels.

SNP MP Tommy Sheppard said: “No matter how this pans out, powers will be repatriate­d from Brussels and we must ensure that as many as possible are devolved straight to the Scottish Government.”

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